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Muawiya Ibn Abi Sufyan: Controvertial Character? (Part 1)

Umayyad Coin at Era Of Muawiya Ibn Abi Sufyan.
Source: Wikepidia..

Today, i will discuss about founder of Umayyad Dynasty, he is Muawiya Ibn Abi Sufyan. Muawiya Ibn Abi Sufyan is one controvertial character at Islamic History. And, now, we  will discuss about one of controvertial figure at Islamic History. He is Muawiyya Ibn Abi Sufyan, a founder of Umayyad Dynasty.  Ok, lets read this article and subscribe my blog for more information about Islamic History.

Muawiya Ibn  Abi Sufyan, is  son from Abu Sufyan and Hind Bint Utbah. He is came from Mecca, Saudi Arabia. Since young, he has competention for leading.  When Muawiya still a child, An Bedouin said: Muawiya will became leader for his tribes, but Hind Bint Utbah, his mother said: Muawiya will became leader of world.

Abu Sufyan, at the past is one of enemy from Rasulullah Shallahu Alaihi Wasallam.  Abu Sufyan convert to Islam when Rasulullah Shallahu Alaihi Wasallam  conquer City Of Mecca.  Abu Sufyan became of one from Islamic Hero after convert to Islam.

At 23 H, Muawiya, his son, became one of Islamic Commander at Battle Of Shayfa at Era Of Caliph Umar Ibn Khattab. At this year, Muawiya can conquer Asqalan, one of Coastal City Of Palestine.  Muawiya joined conquest of Palestine from Byzantine Empire. He conquer City Of Caesarea At Palestine.

At 28 H, Muawiyya also joined Conquest Of Cyprus at Caliph Utsman Ibn Affan s era. Muawiyya lead expedition to Island Of Cyprus, that included Byzantine Territories.  This battle broke, because Cypriot provocate Byzantine attack Muslims Territories. At 652 AD, Muawiyya conquest Island Of Cyprus. After conquest this island, Muawiya found mosque at this place. At the era of Utsman Ibn Affan, Muawiya became Governor Of Syria.

According Greek Historian Theopanes, Muawiya want attack Constantinople, Capital Of Byzantine Empire,  with his navy. It is happened at 654 AD, Byzantine Emperor,  Constans II,  went with his navy and faced Muslims Navy. But, Constans defeated and Muslims Army won this battle. At Islamic History, this battle popular as name Battle Of Masts ( at Arabic Dhat Al-Sawari). According Historian Ibnu Abdul Hakam, Muslims Navy numbered 200 warships and Byzantine Navy numbered 1000 warships.  But, Muslims Army won this battle.

At 33 H, Muawiyya also next his expedition to Byzantine Territories. At 33 H also, Utsman Ibn Affan kick  a group of civilian at Kufa, Iraq to Syria, and Syria is territory Of Muawiya Ibn Abi Sufyan. The factor Utsman s kick them is because their atitude is not good and they make  chaotic at Iraq. Muawiya  kick them from Syria because they  berate caliph and make chaotic at Syria.

Muawiya also help Utsman Ibn Affan handled chaotic at Islamic Territories.  But , at 35 H, Utsman killed because rebels at Islamic Territories kill him at his house.

Why the next even? And why Muawiya became first king from Islamic History? Ok, we will discuss it at next episode. See you at next article and share this article if you feel this article give you benefit. 


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