Sufi, Scholar, and Philosoph: Three Groups That Shaper s Islamic Golden Age.
Islamic Golden Age cannot removed
from multiculturality, one of example the multiculturality is many different groups
at Islamic Golden Age. Different group that shapped Islamic Golden Age, who
them? How their role to Islamic Golden Age? Lets discuss it, but, before this,
please subscribe my blog for more information about Islamic History.
Islamic Scholars.
Islamic Scholars for the first time
shaped at the time of Caliph Omar Ibn Khattab. Caliph Omar founded a group of
scholar who have a duty for answer questions about Religion Of Islam. They also
have a duty collect a number of information, what do Propeth Muhammad Shallahu
Alaihi Wasallam if he faced situation C? Example,it is a begin from shaped
of Hadith , for the origin of Hadith
and it history, you can read at link below:
Fake Claims About Hadith. - ACITYA HISTORY
7 or 8 decade after Propeth Muhammad
Shallahu Alaihi Wasallam s die, Islamic Scholars codificated his word
for shaped Islamic Law. Islamic Scholars
usually use this method for decide decision, first, they searched answer from
the Quran and Hadith, second, they used Qiyas,
they search one analog at Islamic Sources, and make a parallel decision
that refrenced by this sources, if Qiyas cannot do, they have Ijmak ,
decision that make by agreement of scholars. If Ijmak cannot, they use Ijtihad,
Ijtihad is thinking based on logica. Example of Popular Islamic Scholars is
Imam Bukhari and Imam Hambali.
Muslim Philosoph usually pursue
Greek literature about Philosophy and adopted several part of Greek Philosophy,
and made model Of Islamic Philosophy,
Muslim Philosoph usually also expert at Science. Example Ibn Sina ( Avicenna)
also expert at medicine, many Pilosoph at Islamic Golden Age (9-10 century) at
Abbasid Dynasty Era also write about geology, botany, and optic, that today
popular as science.
At Spain, life Ibnu Rushd ( Averroes)
that life at 1126-1198 AD, he write a book titled Fashl Maqal Wa Taqrir Ma
Bayn Syariah Wa al-Hikmah min al-Ittishal that explained relation beetwen
Al-Quran and Philosophy.
They are Muslim who focus to bring
their self closer to Allah Subhanahuwataala. One of popular Sufi at 11 th century is Abu Hamid Al-Ghazali,
He write a book named Maqashid Al-Falasifah, and Kimiyyat Al-Saadat, in
Kimiyyat Al-Saadat and Ihya Ulumiddin, Imam Ghazali explained the
combination of teology and sufism. Al-Ghazali ever became a rector at
Nizhamiyyah University.
For Sufism, Insya Allah, i will discuss
at other article.
The point, Islamic Golden Age doesnt
removed by multiculturalism, and for my Muslim brother, i will message you: please appreciate the differences, because
differences, will be a beautiful, if we can appreciate it.
Ansary, Tamim: Dari Puncak Bagdad Sejarah Dunia Versi Islam, Penerbit
Serambi, 2017 M.
Kuru, Ahmet.T.: Islam
Otoritarianisme Dan Ketertinggalan, Kepustakaan Populer Gramedia, 2021 M.
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