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Battle Of Hachova 1596 AD: Biggest Ottoman Battle At East Europe.


Source: Youtube Made In Turkey.

 Battle Of Hachova, is one Ottoman battle that became biggest Ottoman battle at East Europe, because at this battle, 100.000 Ottoman Amy can defeated 300.000 Europeans Coalition and this battle broke when Ottoman Empire started suffered degradation, when Ottoman s Goverment quality start retreat at this age. Ok, please read this article until end and subscribe mu blog for more information about Islamic History and Civilization.

Ottoman Empire s retrogression in expansion at Europe, really was started at 1529 AD.  When Ottoman Empire under Sultan Suleiman Al-Qanuni. Ottoman Army, at this year, captured Vienna, one Habsburg Dynasty s fortress at Austria for  help their allies, Francis I, againt Habsburg Empire under Charles V. But, this expedition cannot captured Vienna. Vienna, because Ottoman Army arrive to Vienna at  winter , at this time, lead by Ferdinand, brother from Charles V.  At 1532 AD, expedition to Vienna repetited and Suleyman lead Ottoman Army to Vienna. They can conquered Castle Of Guns at Austria  and Ottoman Army ready attack Vienna. Ottoman Army attack several cities such as Graz and Marburg. Charles V and his army went to Vienna for attack Ottoman Army. But , when know Charles V went to Vienna, Suleyman I choose use hit and run tactic. He attack several territories at Austria and escape Charles V s army. According Afghan Historian Tamim Ansary, Suleiman s failed to captured Vienna became  turning point from Ottoman Expansion s unstuck at Europe.

Last Suleiman s expedition, happened at Battle Of Szigetvar 1566 AD.  At this time, Sultan Suleiman lead his army attack Castle Of Sziget  that became one military basist from Habsburg Dynasty for attack Ottoman Empire. Ottoman Army can captured this fortress, but Sultan Suleiman die because sick at this battle. After this, Ottoman Expedition to East Europe with big scale vacuum for long time. At Era Of Sultan Selim II ( ruled 1566-1574 AD) and Sultan Murad III ( ruled 1574-1595 AD), Ottoman Empire busy with  business at North Africa and Mediterrania againt West Imperialist, such as Kingdom Of Spain and Kingdom Of Portugal.  At 1593 AD, Kingdom Of Austria, that under Habsburg Empire , attack Ottoman Dynasties and can defeated Ottoman Army at several battles.

Sultan Murad III, die at 1595 AD and replaced by his son, Mehmed III. At 1596 AD, Army Of Austria , captured Castle Of Hatvan, one Ottoman Castle and Mehmed III, went with his army for save Castle Of Hatvan. Castle Of Hatvan, when Mehmed III came, was fall to Army Of Austria. Ottoman Army replied with captured One Austrian Castle, Egri. 

Mehmed III and his army that numbered 100.000 Ottoman Army, arrive to Hachova at 1596 AD and they meet with European Coalitions from Habsburg Territories. They must faced 300.000 Habsburg Army from  Austria,  Hungary, Spain, Poland, Ceko, and other under Archduke Maximillan. Mehmed III, accompanied by one Ottoman Scholar, Sad Addin Effendi. When battle broke, Austrian Army attack center from Ottoman Army until many Ottoman Warriors escaped from this battle. Many Ottoman Warriors fear againt European Coalitions Army. Sad Addin motivated Sultan Mehmed III for be patient and handled Sultan Mehmed III s  horse  harness. Austrian Army entered Ottoman Army Camp and rob this camp. Chef, carpenter, and food assistant from Ottoman Army attack Austrian Army with axel until Austrian Army escaped.  And, Ottoman Army who escaped attack Austrian Army and Austrian Army defeated. 

At 1601 AD, Ottoman Army defeat Archduke Ferdinand, brother from Charles V. But, according Historian Mehmet Maksudoglu, this expedition dont next by big expedition to Austria for captured Austria that became threat for Ottoman Empire. After Mehmed III s die at 1603 AD, Ottoman Army s expansion to Europe suffered degradation age to age. 


 Maksudoglu, Prof.DR.Mehmet: The Untold History Of Ottoman: Menelusuri Daulah Islamiyah Terbesar di Dunia dan Pemerintahannya, Pustaka Al-Kautsar, 2023 M.

Lamb, Harold: Sulaiman Al-Qanuni: Kehidupan Politik dan Pribadi Sultan Agung Turki Utsmani, Penerbit Alvabet, 2022 M.

Ansary, Tamim: Dari Puncak Bagdad: Sejarah Dunia Versi Islam, Penerbit Serambi, 2017 M.

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