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Sultan Bayezid Veli: Pioneer From Spain s Muslims Rescues.


Source: Povestile.

Today, we will discuss Sultan Bayezid Veli ( Bayezid II), son from Conqueror Of Constantinople, Mehmed II Al-Fatih. Sultan Bayezid Veli, became Ottoman Sultan who be pioneer from Spain s Muslims Rescues from Kingdom Of Spain s retrogression. Ok, please read this article until end and subscribe my blog for more information about Islamic History. It is  easy verb for you, but have big role at help us flow blog that add your perspective about Islamic History.

At 1492 AD, last Islam Goverment at Spain, Kingdom Of Granada fall into Christian Kingdom Of Castille ( next mentioned by Kingdom Of Spain). Last King Of Granada, Abu Abdillah and his family leave Granada and from this day, all Spain fall into Christian Kingdom. Christian Ruler at Spain, forced Muslims at Granada convert to Christian and they must leave their religion  and take baptist to became Christian.  According Historian Philip.K.Hitti, beetwen Fall Of Granada until 17 TH Century, 3.000.000 Muslims at Spain  killed or exiled.  According Palestinian Historian, Jihad At-Turbani,  many Muslims at Spain tortured because they doing Islamic Teaching, such as dont eat pork and drink liquor. Queen Of Spain, Queen Isabel, command All Muslims at Spain convert to Christian or leave Spain with condition pay  expensive fine and they who leave Spain, must leave their childrens at Spain to Christianized.

And, at 1481 AD, at Ottoman Empire Territories, Mehmed II die and his son, Bayezid Veli, became sultan replaced him. Bayezid II s brother, Cem, confront him and Cem tried make goverment at one Ottoman s city, Bursa and Bayezid II , faced Cem at Battle Of Yenisehir, 1481 AD.  Cem defeated and he ask protection to Mameluke Sultan, Qaitbay.  Qaitbay protect Cem at Mameluke Dynasty Capital, Cairo, Egypt and confess Cem s claim as sultan. 

At 1485 AD, Ottoman Army attack Mameluke Territories and battle broke beetwen Ottoman and Mameluke at Cuqurova. But, Abu Zakaria Yahya, Hafshid Sultan Of Tunisia, can mediated Ottoman and Mameluke 

Cem, ask helped to Crusader Knight Of  ST.John at Island Of Rhodes. Aubusson , Commander from Knight Of ST.John, help Cem and Kingdom Of France, under their king, Charles VIII, also support Cem to launch expedition attack Ottoman Empire. But , at 1495 AD, Cem die because poisoned by Pope Of Rome. 

Though Ottoman Empire at his age shaked by civil war, Bayezid Veli still care to Muslim Of Spain who under oppresion from Kingdom Of Spain. At 1492 AD, Bayezid Veli send navy under Kemal Reis to save Spain Muslims and according Historian Mehmet Maksudoglu, Ottoman Navy under Hayreddin (Khayr Addin Barbarossa), can save 70.000 Muslims from Spain.  Rescue that doing by Bayezid Veli, next by Bayezid Veli s successors, and his steps, is beginning from Ottoman s policies to save Muslims at Spain from Kingdom Of Spain s oppresion. 

Bayezid II s goverment also colored by several conflict with Kingdom Of Hungary and Republic  Of Venice. At 1502 AD, Ottoman Army can defeated European Coalition Navy that consist of France, Spain, and Venice at Battle Of Mora. Republic Of Venice , make covenant with Ottoman Army that Venice will submit Fortress Of Lepanto, Moton, Qoron, and other fortress to Ottoman Empire. 

Unfortunately, Bayezid II s policies at kingdom s internal, dont make his state secure. Ottoman Empire threatened by expansion that doing by Shia Kingdom, Kingdom Of Safavid, that at this time, was founded by Shah Ismail at 1502 AD. Shah Ismail expand his territories to Ottoman Territories at Anatolia. Bayezid II, make his son, Sehzade Ahmed, as crownprince. But, Ahmed s brother, Qorqut, make conspiration againt Ahmed. At 1512 AD, Bayezid II, replaced by his third son, Selim I. For Selim I s biography, you can read this article:

Selim I: Ottoman Sultan Who Save Rasulullah Shallahu Alaihi Wasallam s Tomb. - ACITYA HISTORY

Bayezid II , is example for Islamic Solidarity. Though at his goverment many internal conflict, he doesnt egoist and help his Muslim Brothers at Spain. 


Maksudoglu, Prof.DR.Mehmet: The Untold History Of Ottoman: Menelusuri Daulah Islamiyah Terbesar di Dunia dan Pemerintahannya, Pustaka Al-Kautsar, 2023 M.

At-Turbani, Jihad: 100 Tokoh Islam Yang Mengubah Sejarah, Penerbit Aqwam, 2016 M.

Hitti, Philip.K: History Of The Arabs: Rujukan Induk dan Paling Otoritatif Tentang Sejarah Peradaban Islam, Penerbit Serambi, 2006 M.

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