Hassan Agha: Algerian Hero Who Block Spain s Invasion.
Today, we will discuss about Algerian Hero, Hassan Agha, who block Spain invasion to Algeria , and defend Land Of Algeria. And, Hassan Agha, as Ottoman Governor at Algeria, maybe dont have big popularity such as Khayr Addin Barbarossa, most popular Ottoman Admiral. But, he has big service block Spain invasion to Algeria and at his time, he is one Ottoman Admiral who has big service to Ottoman Empire.
Not enough many information about Hassan Agha s born and childhood. But, Hassan Agha knowed as one Ottoman Commander who get mandate from Ottoman Admiral, Khayr Addin Barbarossa to became Governor Of Algeria at Algier, Capital City Of Algeria. According Historian Mehmet Maksudoglu, Hassan is foster child from Khayr Addin Barbarossa.
At 1534 AD, Charles V, tried to attack Ottoman Empire Territories at Tunisia. He bring 24.000 European Warriors that consist of Spain, German, Italy, and Portuguese. At 1535 AD, Khayr Addin tried defend Tunisia againt Charles V and his commander, Andrea Doria. Khayr Addin defeated until he forced retreat to Algeria. Khayr Addin reply Charles s attack with attack Balearic Islands that under Kingdom Of Spain. But Spanish Army can occupied Tunisia and they make their vassal, Sultan Hassan became Sultan Of Tunisia. Spain conquest at Tunisia, can became starting point from Kingdom Of Spain for occuppied all North Africa.
Khayr Addin, before Hassan, was became Ottoman Maritime Governor at Algeria. But, at 1537 AD, he must lead expedition to Italia for fight againt Ottoman Biggest Enemy, Charles V, Emperor Of Spain and Habsburg Empire. Khayr Addin make Hassan as Governor Of Algeria . This expedition planned launch for help Ottoman s ally, King Of France, Francis I againt Kingdom Of Spain.
At 1538 AD, Khayr Addin, can defeat European Coalition Navy that consist of Portuguese, Spanish, Venice, and Genoese Navy at Battle Of Preveza. Charles V, prepare big navy to reply this Ottoman s victory with attack Algeria.
At 1541 AD, Charles V prepare big navy to attack Algeria. It is time that Hassan became Governor Of Algeria. According Historian Harold Lamb, Charles V bring 400 warships, 20.000 marines from Spain, German, and Italy under Duke Of Alva, 3.000 volunteers, and 500 knights from Crusader Elite Army, Hospitaller Knight Of Malta. According Historian Harold Lamb, Hassan only bring small army that consist of 900 Janissaries, Ottoman Elite Army and several marines and militias from Moors ( Spanish Muslims). Hassan also bring several militias from Arabian and Berber ( North Africa Natives) Tribes. Charles and his navy attack Coastal Of Algeria and they can defeat Berber and Arabian Militias. They can build camp at Coastal Of Algeria, near Algier From Wall Of Algier, Hassan Agha and his army attack European Coalition Army with arrows. At this time, storm attack European Coalition Camp. Rain attack European Coalition Camp and food supply to European Coalition stopped. Charles V lead Germany Army to attack Hassan Agha s army. But, Hassan can destroy Charles V s Germany Army with cannon.
145 European Coalition Warships drawn because storm and many marines from Europeans Coalition die because Hassan s army slaughter them. Firegun that bring by Charles V cannot used because their gunpowder wet. Charles V decided his army retreat from Algier. And, rain and mud make Europeans Coalitions feel big hardness. Arabian and Berber Cavalry chase them and Charles V retreat to Small Port Of Bujeya. He suffered big defeated. He lost 8.000 warriors and half his warships. According Historian Harold Lamb, after this defeated , Charles V doesnt brave fight at battleship. According Historian Mehmet Maksudoglu, total warships that lost from European Coalition from this expedition achieve 160 warships.
After this battle, Algeria no occupied by western imperialist. Until 1827 AD, when Ottoman Navy destroyed at Battle Of Navarino. At 1830 AD, France can occupied Algeria, 3 centuries , so far time from Charles V s defeated at Algeria againt Hassan Agha at 1541 AD.
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