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Mutazilah: Philisophers Sect at Islamic History.


Source: Islam. NU.ID.

Today, we will discuss about Mutazilah, Philosophers Sect at Islamic History that have service make many inovation at Islamic Philosophy. But, this sect exinct at middle Abbasid Era. How history from this sect? And how this sect exinct at Middle Abbasid Era? Ok, please read this article until end and subscribe my blog for more information about Islamic History. Easy verb for you , but have big role for flow our website. Happy reading.

Mutazilah, can considered as one sect at Islamic History that have short age. Sect Of Mutazilah, born at Era Of Abbasid Dynasty. Beetwen 9-10 TH Century.  This sect, born when Muslims Philosoper  find Greek s writtens about philosophy. Such as books of Plotinus and Plato. Muslims Philosoper, tried to synchronize beetwen Islamic Teaching and Greek Philosophy. Abbasid Noblemans,  rent translattor for translate ancint books from Greek, Sanskrit, Chinese, and Persian Language to Arabic Language, Official Language Of Abbasid Dynasty.

Era Of Al-Mahdi and Al-Rashid, can mentioned as golden age of Islamic Intelectuality at Abbasid Dynasty Era.  At 830 AD, Abbasid Caliph, Al-Mamun, build giant library Bait Al-Hikmah and Greek s Philosophy book, translatted to Arabic. Included works of Greek Philosoper, Aristoteles.

At this enviroment, established sect of Mutazila who  put ra rationality think at understanding Islam and his teaching. Several Muslim Philosopher who have idea like this join to Sect Of Mutazilah and this sect have different idea for interpreted Islamic Teaching. They have idea that Koran ( Islamic Holy Book),  dont eternal, such as Islamic Scholars s arguments. They have idea Koran, is great book, but dont eternal and Koran is Allah Subhanahuwataala s creature such as human. Many Muslim Philosophers, join with Sect Of Mutazilah. One philosopher who became Mutazila Activist,  is Abu Bakr Ar-Razi. Abu Bakr Ar-Razi have rasionalit-extremist mind. He think that miracles that given to propeths at past only folklore and, paradise and hell dont reality.  Seventh Abbasid Caliph, Al-Mamun make Mutazilah as official state ideology.  Sect Of Mutazilah, born at Era Of Caliph Al-Mamun, according Islamic Studies and Research Team Of Egypt. 

Al-Mamun, make Mutazilah as official state ideology. And, Al-Mamun get  opposition from several conservative Muslim Scholars, such as Imam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal, who feel Mutazilah  and Al-Mamun, forced Muslim Conservative Scholars to join Mutazilah Ideology. 

Imam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal, one Muslim Conservative Scholar, reject Mutazilah Sect and he ask Muslims to back at Propeth Muhammad Shallahu Alaihi Wasallam s teaching at 7 TH Century. Caliph Al-Mamun ask Imam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal came to Abbasid Caliphate Palace and debate with one palace philosopher. Imam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal debatw with palace philosopher and he reject Ideology Of Mutazilah. Palace side captured and tortured Imam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal.Imam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal tortured at the jail. Next Abbasid Caliph, Al-Mutawakkil,  leave Mutazilah and Caliph Al-Mutawakkil, give appreciation to Imam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal. Mutazilah,  fade at era of Caliph Al-Mutawakkil.  According Tamim Ansary , Muslim Historian, it is became begin advance of Islamic Conservative Scholars.


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Ansary, Tamim: Dari Puncak Bagdad: Sejarah Dunia Versi Islam, Penerbit Serambi, 2016 M.

Tim Riset dan Studi Islam Mesir: Ensiklopedi Sejarah Islam, Pustaka Al-Kautsar, 2019 M.

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