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End Of Safavid Dynasty And Rise Of Babism Sect at Iran .


Source: Old Saednews.

Today, we will discuss about end of Safavid Dynasty and rise of Babism Sect, who became one revolutioner sect at Iran, at 19 TH Century. We will discuss how ruin of Safavid Dynasty influenced rise of Babism Sect? Ok, please read this article until end and subscribe my blog for more information about Islamic History. And, it is easy verb for you, but have big role to help us flow our blog.

At Era Of Tahmasp II, last Safavid Dynasty King at Iran, Safavid Dynasty weakened and at 1144 H, Tahmasp II must agree peace covenant with Ottoman Empire, after fight againt Ottoman Empire. And, Safavid Dynasty must submit several provinces to Ottoman Empire. Empire Of Russia, also expand his territories to Safavid Dynasty Territories and they can occupied City Of Dagestan. 

At 18 TH Century, Safavid Dynasty collapsed because his provinces, who dont  embraced Shia Sect, Official Sect Of Safavid Dynasty, separated from Safavid Dynasty and Safavid Dynasty, replaced by new dynaties, such as Afshar  Dynasty that established by Nader Shah and Qajar Dynasty that established by Agha Muhammad Qajar. British and Russian Empire fight for get  former of Safavid Dynasty s territories. 

At 19 TH Century, appear new Messianic Islam Movement, Babism at Iran. Babism Movement, established by Sayyid Ali Muhammad, who born at Siraz, Iran, at 1819 AD. Sayyid Ali Muhammad, learn to Sheikh Abid, one Shia Scholar at Iran. Sayyid Ali Muhammad, is one Shia Adherent . He join Shia according Group Of Shaikism. 

At 1842 AD, Sayyid Ali married Kadijah Begum, daughter from his mother s uncle and he became scholar who have many followers. At 1844 AD, Sayyid Ali preach his claim, Babism Ideology. Babism, taken by his title, Bab. Title Of Bab, take by Sayyid Ali from one hadith  that written at book of Hakim Naisaburi, Mustadrak, when  Propeth Muhammad Shallahu Alaihi Wasallam said : “Iam city of knowldge and Ali ( Ali Ibn Abi Thalib, one Propeth Muhammad Shallahu Alaihi Wasallam s main shahaba) is Bab (Arabic : gate).

Sayyid Ali Muhammad, confess his self as Allah messenger who better from Propeth Isa Alaihissalam and Propeth Muhammad Shallahu Alaihi Wasallam . Several Babism doctrin is Babism Adherent, dont must run Islamic Sharia, such as Quranic Law, Prayer, fasting, and other part from Islamic Sharia. 

At 1844 AD, Bab spread his claim about Babism and he preach his claim with messenged his followers.  He spread his claim at Iran, Mecca, and also Karbala, Iraq. At 1848-1849  AD, first Babism Rebellion to Qajar Dynasty broke, and  broke clash beetwen Babism Followers and Qajar Army that also helped by Iran Civilians, 173 Babism Militias die at this clash. Qajar Prime Minister, Hajj Mirza Aqqasi,  throw Bab to exile near City Of Maku that under Ottoman Empire.  Bab or Sayyid Ali Muhammad, die at 1850 AD, after executed at Tabriz, Iran by Qajar Dynasty.

At 1850 AD, Bab s die s year, broke Babism Rebellion at Nayriz  againt Qajar Dynasty. Battle run fiercely and Qajar Army can kill 200 Babism militias. They also captured women and children from Babism Community.  At 1851 AD, broke Babism Rebellion at Zanjan, Qajar Army defeat Babism Militias and they can captured women and children from Babism Community. According Historian Ahmad Nur Fuad, Babism Movement ended at 1853 AD, after shaked Iran with his rebellion.


Tim Riset dan Studi Islam Mesir: Ensiklopedi Sejarah Islam, Pustaka Al-Kautsar, 2019 M.

Ansary, Tamim: Dari Puncak Bagdad: Sejarah Dunia Versi Islam, Penerbit Serambi, 2016 M.

Fuad, Ahmad Nur: Islam Milenaris: Asal Usul, Doktrin, dan Pemberontakan Gerakan Babisme 1844-1853, Penerbit Lembaga Pengkajian Agama Islam, 2002 M.

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