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Druze At Lebanon: Who Them? Searching History From Sect Of Druze At Lebanon.


Source: JS Tribune.

Druze, is Sect At Lebanon that is fragment from Shia Ismaili Sect who became religion now. How this religion appear? And how they became religion other Islam at Lebanon? What their relation with Islamic History? Ok, please read this article until end and subscribe our  blog for more information about Islamic History. Easy verb for you, but have  big role for us , to flow our blog to educated people about Islamic History.

Sect Of Druze, appear at Fathimid Dynasty Territories at Egypt and Syria  when Fathimid Dynasty lead by Caliph Al-Hakim.  Al-Hakim, ruled as Fathimid Caliph from 996-1021 AD. At this time, appear a preacher named Ad-Darazi, who preach Druze Ideology.  He has full name Muhammad Ibn Ismail Ad-Darazi, and originated from Syria. Muhammad Ibn Ismail spread faith that Al-Hakim is god and Al-Hakim use this propagate for manage his people. It is begin from Sect Of Druze. 

Druze, is sect that have sincretion from Islam, Iranian Religion, Neoplatonism, and Judaism. And, at his flow, Druze became own religion from Islam.  Not enough complete notes about Druze at era of Crusade, but Popularity Of Druze, appear at era of Ottoman Empire s Occupation at Lebanon. 

Fakhr Addin Al Mani, Arabian Nobleman who lead Lebanon, who ruled  from 1590-1635 AD, can united Maronite Christians and Druze at Lebanon. Fakhr Addin, one Druze adherent,  can united Lebanese from Druze and Maronites for separated from Ottoman Dynasty. Fakhr Addin Al-Mani/Fakhr Addin II can occupied Beirut and Sidon, and also several cities at Palestine, such as Shafed, Tiberias, and Nazareth. 

At 1608 AD, Fakhr Addin II ask help to Ferdinand, Duke Of Tuscany at Italy for make alliance to attack Ottoman Empire. Ferdinand, promise that he will send weapons and helped from build fortress to Druze for attack Ottoman Empire.  Fakhr Addin, back to Lebanon at 1618 AD, and he use chance when Ottoman Empire busy faced Kingdom Of Persia ( Safavid Dynasty) and at 1623 AD, Fakhr Addin can defeat Ottoman Army under Mustafa Pasha that sended from Damascus, Syria. 

At 1629 AD, Ottoman Empire send army to attack Fakhr Addin at his place and ended Druze Rebellion. Ottoman Sultan, Murad IV, send his army from Damascus to attack Fakhr Addin and many Druze Warriors choose to leave Fakhr Addin and his sons alone faced Ottoman Army. Ottoman Army can captured Fakhr Addin and his sons. Fakhr Addin and his sons executed at Istanbul, Capital Of Ottoman Empire, at 1635 AD.  Ottoman Empire s victory againt Fakhr Addin, have many factor. Beetwen it is Fakhr Addin must faced his old enemy, Emir Of Tripoly and many Druzes who became his rivals. After this, Druze at Lebanon dont became threat for  Ottoman Empire and Ottoman Empire can managed Lebanon with helped from Lebanese Local Rulers.  According Philip.K.Hitti, Lebanese History, Sect Of Druze  associate their group with Prince De Dreux, one Crusader Nobleman , but according Philip.K.Hitti, this claim dont have strong proof.


Tim Riset dan Studi Islam Mesir: Ensiklopedi Sejarah Islam, Pustaka Al-Kautsar, 2019 M.

Hitti, Philip.K: History Of The Arabs: Rujukan Induk dan Paling Otoritatif Tentang Sejarah Peradaban Islam, Penerbit Serambi, 2006 M.

Rogan, Eugene: Dari Puncak Khilafah: Sejarah Arab-Islam Sejak Era Kejayaan Utsmaniyah, Penerbit Serambi, 2017 M.

Anonymous: Druze summary | Britannica, accesed 21 November 2024, 07: 01 AM.

Anonymous: Ottoman Empire | Facts, History, & Map | Britannica, accesed 21 November  2024, 07:02 AM.

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