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Zainal Abidin Ali Ibn Hussain: Giving Alms Without Flexing.

Source: I stock Photo.

Today, we will discuss about one scholar who giving alms without flexing. He is Zainal Abidin Ali Ibn Hussain, one Muslim Scholar who has Propeth Muhammad Shallahu Alaihi Wasallam and King Of Persia s blood at his genetic. He is one early Muslim Scholar who popular with his rich and his  generosity. Lets read this article until end because we will discuss one Muslim Scholar who have generosity and rich at his age. And, dont forget, subscribe my blog for more information about Islamic History.

Ali Ibn Hussain born at 658 AD. His father is Hussain Ibn Ali, grandson from Propeth Muhammad Shallahu Alaihi Wasallam and his mother is Shah Zinan/Ghazala, daughter from Yazdegrid, Last King From Sassanid Empire Of Persia. Shah Zinan convert to Islam after became hostage at confrontation beetwen Muslim and Persian Empire. He married by Hussain Ibn Ali. And, from Hussain, he get son named Ali. Follow name Hussain s father, Ali Ibn Abi Thalib, Rasulullah Shallahu Alaihi Wasallam s son in law. But, Shah Zinan die after birth of Ali Ibn Hussain because fever and Ali  taken care by one Shah Zinan s women slave.  Ali studied Islam to several Propeth Muhammad Shallahu Alaihi Wasallam s shahabas at Mosque Of Nabawi, Medina, Saudi Arabia.  When he was child, from several shahabas, Ali Ibn Hussain studied several knowlege such as  Koran ( Islamic Holy Book), History Of Propeth Muhammad Shallahu Alaihi Wasallam (Sirah Nabawi), hadiths ( Propeth Muhammad Shallahu Alaihi Wasallam s oral teaching) and Arabian Poem. Ali most love Koran Lesson. And, at young age, he became Koran Teacher at Medina. Ali popular with his worship to Allah Subhanahuwataala and he is so obey Islamic Teaching until he titled by Zainal Abidin (Ornament Of Servant). One day, Thawus Ibn Kaysan seeing him cried at Kaaba until he roled and cry like crying of sickmen. Thawus said to Zainal, he is great grandchild from Rasulullah Shallahu Alaihi Wasallam and , should, family relation to Rasulullah Shallahu Alaihi Wasallam save him from Allah s anger. Ali said he fear his family relation to Rasulullah Shallahu Alaihi Wasallam cannot save him from Allah s anger.

Zainal Abidin also richmen who has job as merchant. His company run by his several slaves. Zainal has big role in erase slavery. Zainal has several slaves, men and women. He will liberate his slave if his slave do goodness or  make mistake, and repent from his mistake. According Historian Abdurrahman Rafat Basya, Zainal has liberate 1000 slaves.

When Zainal die, people who clean his body surprised seeing many black wound at his  back. Knowed, when he life, at middle night, he bring many wheat sack at his back and give it to poor people at City Of Medina. Zainal die at 712 AD. He was leave good example for us. He help poor people without flexing about his action. And, in his life, he has big participation to erase slavery. And, he still fear and obey to Allah, though he is  granchild from Rasulullah Shallahu Alaihi Wasallam  May Allah bless him.

Basya, DR.Abdurrahman Rafat: Para Tabiin Rahimahullah: Kisah Perjuangan dan Keteladanan, Penerbit Darul Haq, 2016 M.

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