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Abdul Malik Ibn Umar Ibn Abdul Aziz: Unique Story From Caliph S Son.


Source: Gambar Putih.

Caliph Umar Ibn Abdul Aziz is Umayyad Caliph who life beetwen 681-720 AD. And, uniquely, he has son named Abdul Malik Ibn Umar Ibn Abdul Aziz. His son, is pious younger and his son success motivated his father to became pious leader. How lifestory from this unique Caliph s son? Read this article until end and subscribe my blog for more information about Islamic History.

Caliph Umar Ibn Abdul Aziz , has 15 childrens. And, Abdul Malik is Caliph Umar s best son. He popular as his expert at literature and his clever. Abdul Malik, according Historian Abdurrahman Rafat Basya, has adult point of view and he diligent at worship, and also, he is one handsome younger at his young age.

One day, Abdul Malik s cousin, Ashim Ibn Abi Bakr visit Abdul Malik and when Ashim sleep, he hear Abdul Malik cried. He cried at his night s pray after read QS.As-Shuara: 205-207:
أَفَرَءَيْتَ إِن مَّتَّعْنَـٰهُمْ سِنِينَ ٢٠٥ثُمَّ جَآءَهُم مَّا كَانُوا۟ يُوعَدُونَ٢٠٦مَآ أَغْنَىٰ عَنْهُم مَّا كَانُوا۟ يُمَتَّعُونَ ٢٠٧

“Imagine ˹O Prophet˺ if We allowed them enjoyment for years, then there came to them what they had been threatened with. would that enjoyment be of any benefit to them ˹at all˺?”

Ashim said in his heart: “this child can die because his cry”. Ashim said: “Lailahaillallah Wal Hamdulilah ( no god other Allah and All Praises to Allah). Abdul Malik silent and he doesnt cry after this.

Abdul Malik popular as clever younger. He was studied Islam from several Islamic Scholars at his age. He studied Koran ( Islamic Holy Book) and Hadiths ( Propeth Muhammad Shallahu Alaihi Wasallam s oral text).

One day, at 717 AD, Umar Ibn Abdul Aziz  appointed as Umayyad Caliph. After  inauguration, Caliph Umar Ibn Abdul Aziz want break because he is so tired. And, at  his time, many people have case. Abdul Malik came to his father and remind his Caliph Umar Ibn Abdul Aziz about people s cases. He said to his father: who give you guarantee your age achieve time of Zhuhur?.  After this,  Caliph Umar Ibn Abdul Aziz wake up from his sleep and he went to people and search people who has case for finish people s case.

 Abdul Malik Ibn Umar Ibn Abdul Aziz is good example for leader s child who doesnt arrogan. And, uniquely, he success motivated his father to became better leader.

Basya, DR.Abdurrahman Rafat: Para Tabiin Rahimahullah: Kisah Perjuangan dan Keteladanan, Penerbit Darul Haq, 2016 M.

Pulungan, J. Suyuti :Umar Bin Abdul Aziz - Ensiklopedia Islam, accesed 13 October 2024, 20: 07 PM.

Surah Ash-Shu'ara - 1-227 - Quran.com, accesed 13 October 2024, 20: 08 PM.



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