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Caliph Umar Ibn Abdul Aziz: Best Caliph From Umayyad Dynasty.


Source: LSPT.

Today, we will discuss about Caliph Umar Ibn Abdul Aziz, Best Caliph from Umayyad Dynasty who popular with his fairness and his competition at lead goverment.  Though Umar s goverment only spend little time at Umayyad Dynasty s history, but he is one most popular Caliph from Umayyad Dynasty because his fairness. Please read this article until end because we will discuss about one most importan figure at Umayyad Dynasty s era and subscribe my blog for more information about Islamic History. Easy verb for you but have big impact to flow our blog to educate people about Islamic History.

Caliph Umar Ibn Abdul Aziz born at 62 H and he is great grandson from Caliph Umar Ibn Khattab. His full name is Umar Ibn Abdul Aziz Ibn Marwan Ibn Al-Hakam Ibn Abul Ash Ibn Umayyad. His mother, is granddaughter from Caliph Umar Ibn Khattab, second Caliph from Rashidun Caliphate. And, Umar Ibn Abdul Aziz born at City Of Medina, Saudi Arabia.

His father, Abdul Aziz became Governor Of Egypt under Umayyad Dynasty, but he die at 85 H. Umar studied Islam to several Propeth Muhammad Shallahu Alaihi Wasallam s shahabas  and Tabiin ( generation after shahabas) at Medina, such as Yusuf Ibn Abdullah Ibn Salam, Abdullah Ibn Jafar and Said Ibn Musayyeeb. Umar s uncle, Abdul Malik Ibn Marwan, is Umayyad Caliph and after his father s die, Umar bring by his uncle, Abdul Malik to Damascus, Umayyad Capital City and at Damascus, Umar married Abdul Malik s daughter, Fathimah. Abdul Malik also appointed Umar as leader at Khannasira, Aleppo at Syria. And, at 87 H, Umar became mayor of Medina under Umayyad Dynasty. Umar also became advisor from Caliph  Sulayman Ibn Abdul Malik. According Muslim Historian, Al-Masoudi, Umar is handsome man and he has interest style.

Sulayman , appointed Umar as his successor and according Historian Prof.DR.Abdussyafi, Umar is good administrator and Umar work for manifested wealthy at Umayyad Dynasty territories. He coronated as Umayyad Caliph at 717 AD. Umar Ibn Abdul Aziz also selected his officers and he make a plan for his officers to  unphold justice at society.  He choose officers who competent, clever, and obey Islamic Teaching.

Caliph Umar Ibn Abdul Aziz also popular as wise leader. At his era, he must face rebels from Khawariji, Islamic Radical Sect that became enemy from Rashidun and Umayyad Dynasty.  If his elder, Abdul Malik Ibn Marwan choose violence method to destroy Khawariji. Umar Ibn Abdul Aziz choose diplomatic strategy to faced Khawariji, override with violence. Caliph Umar Ibn Abdul Aziz invited Leader Of Khawariji, Shaudab to start dialog. Shaudab send two delegation to Umar Ibn Abdul Aziz. Happened warm dialog beetwen Umar and Khawariji delegation. And, Khawariji decide to obey Caliph Umar Ibn Abdul Aziz. Only 1 problem from Khawariji that cannot answer by Caliph Umar: Khawariji not want Yazid Ibn Abdul Malik, brother of Sulayman Ibn Abdul Malik became Umar s successor because Khawariji dont like dynastyc s politics. Umar cannot erase dynastysc s politic because this system is so strong from establishment Of Umayyad Dynasty. But, at Umar s goverment age, not broke battle between Umayyad Dynasty and Khawariji Group.

Caliph Umar Ibn Abdul Aziz, different with Umayyad Caliph before him, who choose military expansion to preach Islam at other territories.  Caliph Umar make new policy to stop expansion, because at this era, not exits threat from Islamic Boundaries. Caliph Umar Ibn Abdul Aziz foccuss to strengthen Islam at Umayyad Territories.  He send letter to several kings at Transoxania ( Central Asia) and Sindh ( Pakistan) to convert to Islam. Because they hear about Umar s fairness,they convert to Islam. Caliph Umar Ibn Abdul Aziz also retreat Muslim Army from Constantinople and make good relation with Byzantine Emperor. Umar also repair Islamic Education at North Africa and he send many Islamic Scholars to do peaceful preaching at North Africa, included Ibnu Shihab Az-Zuhry. Caliph Umar also held trade relation with King Of Srivijaya at Sumatra, Indonesia.  Byzantine Emperor at this age, Leo Of Isauria , praise Caliph Umar Ibn Abdul Aziz as leader who honest and near with god.

Caliph Umar Ibn Abdul Aziz die at 101 H/720 AD because sick at Deir Saman, City Of Homsh, Syria.  He replaced by his cousin, Yazid Ibn Abdul Malik. His age, can mentioned as peace and wealth era at History Of Umayyad Dynasty.


Abdul Lathif, Prof.DR.Muhammad Abdussyafi: Bangkit Dan Runtuhnya Khilafah Bani Umayyah 41-133 H/661-750 M: Kekhalifahan Islam Pertama Setelah Khulafaur Rasyidin Pustaka Al-Kautsar, 2023.

As-Shallabi, Prof.DR.Ali Muhammad: Sejarah Daulah Umawiyah & Abbasiyah, Penerbit Ummul Qura, 2021.

Burhanudin, Jajat: Islam dalam Arus Sejarah Indonesia, Penerbit Karisma, 2017.

 Pulungan, J. Suyuti: Umar Bin Abdul Aziz - Ensiklopedia Islam, accesed 15 October 2024, 10: 44 PM.


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