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Saad Ibn Abi Waqqash: Islamic Best Archer.


Source: KontenIslam.

Today, we will discuss about one best archer at Islamic History. He is Saad Ibn Abi Waqqash and he also became Muslim Commander at Conquest Of Persia. And, uniquely, he burried at China. Today, we will discuss about biography of this shahaba. This shahaba, also popular as first people who convert to Islam. And, please read this article until end and subscribe my blog for more information about Islamic History.  This is easy verb for you, but give us big support for educated people about Islamic History and civilization. Happy reading and share this article if it is give you benefit.

Saad, is one shahaba who has full name Saad Ibn Malik Ibn Uhaib Ibn Abdul Manaf Ibn Zuhra Ibn Kilab Ibn Murrah Ibn Kab Ibn Luay. Abu Waqqash is title from Malik Ibn Uhaib.  According Ibnu Mandah, Saad convert to Islam when his age is 17 years old.  Saad born at 595 AD, at Mecca, Saudi Arabia and he originated from Tribes Of Zuhra, One Arabian Tribe at Mecca.  Saad also Rasulullah Shallahu Alaihi Wasallam s uncle from mother side. Saad has hobby training archery and Saad convert to Islam when he seeing Propeth Muhammad Shallahu Alaihi Wasallam pray. Saad ever face weight exam, because Saad s mother angry and forbid his son convert to Islam. But, Saad still patient and respect to his mother until this problem finished.

At Battle Of Badr, Saad join with Rasulullah Shallahu Alaihi Wasallam with his brother, Umair, who still a child. Umair still a child and he ask Rasulullah Shallahu Alaihi Wasallam to permit follow the battle. Umair join Battle Of Badr with his sword and he die at Battle Of Badr as martyr. Saad so sad because his brother die at Battle Of Badr. When Battle Of Uhud, Saad protect Rasulullah Shallahu Alaihi Wasallam from  Pagan Quraish s attack with his bow and arrow. His arrow always regard enemy.

At Era Of Caliph Umar Ibn Khattab,  Second Caliph Of Rashidun Caliphate. Sassanid Empire Of Persia tried to send  provocators to Muslim Territories to destroy Muslim Goverment. Caliph Umar Ibn Khattab send army to destroy Empire Of Persia. At 14 H, Caliph Umar Ibn Khattab  collect army for attack Territory Of Persia. And he choose Saad as commander.  According Muslim Historian Ibn Kathir, Saad bring 6000 army and he entered City Of Qadisiyya, Gate To Persia at Ancient Age.  King Of Persia,Yazdegrid III send army under Armenian Commander, Rustam Ibn Faroukhzad  lead 200.000 army, according Notes Of Ibn Kathir.  According  Several Armenian Sources, this event happened at 638 AD and it is begin from Battle Of Qadisiyya. Sebeos, an Armenian Historian write  at 650 AD, when Battle Of Qadisiyya at 638 AD , Persian Army bring 80.000 warriors, consisit of Persian and Armenian.  Warriors. Rashidun Army send several delegation to held negosiation with Persian Army. But Persian Army rejected it and battle broke.

According Abbasid Historian, Al-Baladhuri, Saad Ibn Abi Waqqash receive  reinforcement from Caliph Umar Ibn Khattab numbered 400-800 army under Abu Musa. Saad cannot command battle from near distance because he suffered severe sick. He control battle from Palace Of Al-Adhib, Control Center from Muslim Army at Iraq. Commander who lead Muslims  Army at battlefield is Khalid Ibn Arfathah. Arabic Source such as Futuhul Buldan that write by Baladhuri and Armenian Source write Persian Army defeat at this battle. Rustum die at this battle, according Al-Baladhuri because killed by Hilal Ibn Ulfah At-Tamimi, one Muslim Warrior. After defeat Persian Army at Qadisiyya, Saad lead his army conquer City Of Bahrasir  and Yazdegrid III escape from City Of Ctesiphon/Madayn, Capital Of Sassanid Empire. Saad conquer City  Of Ctesiphon after small battle with Persian Garrison at Tigris/Dajla River at 14 H. He also defeat Army Of Persia at Jalula and Saad also build City Of Kufa at Iraq for Muslim s settlement at Iraq and he became Governor Of Iraq under Caliph Umar Ibn Khattab.

At 651 AD, according Tang Dynasty Chronichle, Hsin Tang Shu , Caliph Uthman Ibn Affan, who mentioned by Chinese as King Of Arabs, send messenger to China , included Saad Ibn Abi Waqqash and 15 messengers to persuated Tang Emperor, Yung Wei convert to Islam.Saad also visit Capital Of Tang Dynasty, Chang An and also visit Kingdom Of Srivijaya and Island Of Java. Saad die at 674 AD and according several Chinese Historian such as  Chai Jincheng , burried at Guangzhou, China.

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