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The Battle Of Dhat As-Shawary: First Muslim Battleship.


Source: Ancient History.

Today, we will discuss about first Islamic Battleship, Battle Of Dhat As-Shawary  that became first Muslim and Byzantine Confrontation at sea. The battle that broke at 31 H this, became  stepping for rise of Islamic Navy s power and after this, why this battle influenced geopolitic s map at Mediterrania at this time? Lets read this aticle until end and subscribe my blog for more information about Islamic History.  Your subscribe and share it very important step for flow our blog for educated people about Islamic History. Happy reading.

At Goverment Of Caliph Uthman Ibn Affan s era at Rashidun Caliphate, Byzantine Empire , at 24 H, tried to attack Rashidun Caliphate s territories at Syria and at 25 H, Byzantine Empire  tried to attack Syria . And, at 25 H, Byzantine Empire tried to attack Rashidun Caliphate territories at Alexandria, Egypt.  Because this, at 27 H, Caliph Uthman Ibn Affan send Muslims Army under Abdullah Ibn Saad Ibn Abi Sarh to attack Byzantine Territories at North Africa. Abdullah moved with 10.000 cavalry and infantrymens.  Abdullah moved with his army at 647 AD.  Byzantine Army at this battle, lead by Gregory who also helped by North African Natives, Tribes Of Berber. Battle broke at Sbeitla, South Tunisia and Byzantine Army defeated. According Muslim Historian Ibn Kathir, Gregory killed by one Muslim Warrior, Abdullah Ibn Zubayr. But, according Byzantine Historian Theopanes, Gregory can escape from Muslim Army.  According Muslim Historian Shaykh Baladhuri, after the battle, many African Leaders that under Byzantine Empire came to Abdullah Ibn Saad and they held peace covenant. According Shaykh Baladhuri, African Leaders pay 2.500.000 dinar to Abdullah Ibn Saad. It is mark, part from North Africa was submit to Rashidun Caliphate.  At this time, Kairouan at Tunisia not yet ruled by Muslims.

At 28 H, Cyprus can occupied by Rashidun Army. Byzantine Army lost many important territories at Sea Of Mediterrania. It is beginning from Byzantine Empire s weakened.

After this, Rashidun Caliphate started raid to Byzantine Empire s territories at Sea Of Mediterrania, included Rhodes and Kos at 654 AD.  At 655 AD, Emperor Constantine II, Byzantine Emperor went to North Africa with 600 warships for defeat Muslim Forces.

Byzantine Historian, Theopanes, illustrated this battle: Muawiya Ibn Abi Sufyan, Rashidun Governor at Levant ( Syria, Palestine, and around it) prepared his navy to attack Constantinople, Byzantine Capital City, at 655 AD. This navy prepared at City Of Tripoly, Lebanon. When Muawiya prepared navy, two Christian Militia attack Jail Of Tripoly and liberate many Byzantine Prisoners , kill Governor Of Tripoly and destroy City Of Tripoly,  but Rashidun Caliphate Navy under Abu Al-Awar moved to Phoenix for faced Emperor Constantine II s navy. Emperor Constantine II defeated and this navy destroyed. Historian Ibn Kathir illustrated details about this battle: according Historian Ibn Kathir, Byzantine Navy want attack North Africa that was occupied by Abdullah Ibn Saad Ibn Abi Sarah that bring small navy at North Africa.  Battle broke at Morocco. Rashidun Navy and Byzantine Navy  bind their ships, Byzantine Ships bind with Rashidun Ships. Above ships, Byzantine and Rashidun Marine fight with their swords or knifes. Many warriors from Byzantine and Rashidun die at this battle, and according Historian Ibn Kathir, sea turn into red because many warriors die from Byzantine or Muslim Army. Clearly, at this battle, Byzantine Navy was destroyed and at 33 H, Muawiya Ibn Abi Sufyan attack Anatolia, one Important Territories for Byzantine Empire. And, this battle is beginning for Islamic Navy s supremacy, for know about Islamic Navy History, you can read this article:
Islamic Navy From Age to Age: How Muslims Build Strong Navy? - ACITYA HISTORY

Kennedy, Hugh: Penaklukkan Muslim Yang Mengubah Dunia, Penerbit Alvabet, 2019 M.

Al-Hafizh Ibnu Katsir: Perjalanan Hidup Empat Khalifah Rasul Yang Agung, Penerbit Darul Haq, 2012 M.

Syaikh Al-Baladzuri: Futuhul Buldan: Penaklukkan Negeri-negeri dari Fathu Makkah Sampai Negeri Sind, Pustaka Al-Kautsar, 2015 M.

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