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Story Of Al-Mutashim: Abbasid Caliph who Save Muslim Woman.


Source: Sorot Balik.

Today, we will discuss about Al-Muthasim, Abbasid Caliph who save Muslim Woman and he conquer Byzantine Territories at Anatolia only for save this woman. And, Al—Mutashim is one biggest Abbasid Caliphate. Ok, please read this article until end, because we will discuss one shaked story at era Abbasid Dynasty and subscribe my blog for support us at our charity: educated people about Islamic History and share this article if you feel this article give you benefit and  add your knowledge about Islamic History. Ok, let start discuss it, because it is one interest story at era Abbasid Caliphate.

Caliph Al-Mutashim Billah is one Abbasid Caliph that ruled from 218-227 H/833-842 AD. He is braveman and he also is strongman. At era of Al-Mutashim Goverment, broke rebellion from Babik Al-Kharrami that success handled by Al-Mutashim. At era of Al-Mutashim also, Byzantine Empire attack Muslim Territories, they tried to captured City Of Zabtarah. Byzantine Army attack City Of Zabtarah and they kill many Civilians and kidnapped many Muslim Women.

Age of Al-Mutashim, is one hardest age at Abbasid Caliphate History. Historian Ibn Kathir mentioned, at 220 H, broke confrontation with rebel Babuk Al-Kharami . Abbasid Army under General Afshin, attack Babuk Al-Kharami and he succeded defeat Babuk s forces.  And, at 222 H, Afshin captured Babuk after conquer Babuk s city, Al-Badzza.

When Byzantine Army attack City Of Zabtarah, they kidnapped one Muslim Woman who shouted ask help to Caliph Al-Mutashim. According Historian Ibn Asakir, Byzantine Governor at City Of Amorites  jailbreak this woman to jail and he disturbed by Byzantine Man.  Caliph Al-Mutashim hear this new and at 838 AD, he prepare military expedition to attack Byzantine Empire Territories at Anatolia.  According Historian Ibn Khodarbeh, Al-Mutashim was prepared 80.000 army that consist of Abbasid Army and mercenaries from Turkish and Anatolian Army. Byzantine Emperor at this time is Emperor Theopille ( ruled 829-842 AD). Caliph Al-Mutashim can occupied City Of Amorites that under Byzantine Empire.  Caliph Al-Mutashim lead his army face to face with Byzantine Army under Emperor Theopille.  Caliph Al-Mutashim split his army to three division. First division under Afshin, second division under Ashnas and third division under himself.  Override faced Byzantine Army at frontal battle, Al-Mutashim bring his army to two city that became important territories for Byzantine Empire, Amorites and Ancara and occupied this  two cities. Historian Imam Ibn Kathir record , when conquer Amorites, Caliph Al-Mutashim use catapult for destroy this city s fortress. Abbasid Army can entered City Of Amorites.City Of Amorites submit and Theopille s strategy to faced Al-Mutashim at frontal battle failed.

Emperor Theopille fear to Abbasid Forces, he ask help to Kingdom Of France, State Of Venice, and Umayyad Caliphate at Spain for faced Abbasid Dynasty.

When he conquer Amorites, Al-Mutashim also liberate woman that kidnapped by Byzantine Army . It is stories that Muslims at old time, so care with fellow Muslims who suffered hardness. We mus became like this, care to all fellow Muslims who faced hardness or exam in his life. Because, Islam only strong with brotherhood.


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