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Amr Ibn Ash: Conqueror Of Palestine And Egypt.


Source: Pandji

Today, we will discuss about one Muslim Commander who conquer Egypt. He is Amr Ibn Ash, who spread Islam at Palestine and Egypt. How he can conquer Palestine and Egypt and spread Islam at this place? Ok, lets read this article until end, because at this article, we will discuss about one Muslim Commander who conquer two important territories for Rashidun Caliphate and spread Islam at territories that today became one important territories at Middle East. Subscribe my blog for more information about Islamic History and for support us to educated people about Islamic History.

According Palestinian Historian Shaykh Jihad Turbani, Amr Ibn Ash is first Muslim who came to Jerusalem, Palestine for conquer this city.  His full name is Amr Ibn Ash Ibn Waeel Ibn Hisham and he is  one commander from Arabian People and he came from Tribe Of Quraish . He  also Arabian Merchant who usually went to Syria, Yemen, Egypt, and Ethiopia.  He convert to Islam at Years Of 8 Hijriyya, after Battle Of Ahzab that became failed for Quraish Pagan to conquer Mecca. Amr meet Rasulullah Shallahu Alaihi Wasallam and convert to Islam.

Amr Ibn Ash s role  started protrude at era of goverment Caliph Abu Bakr As-Shidiq ( 632-634 AD) , First Caliph from Rasidhun Caliphate.  When Era Of Caliph Abu Bakr As-Shidiq, Byzantine Empire have a plan for attack Muslim Territories Boundaries. Abu Bakr As-Shidiq send army to attack Byzantine Empire s territories.  Amr Ibn Ash, is one commander that selected by Caliph Abu Bakr As-Shidiq for lead Muslim Army conquer Byzantine Territories at Palestine.  Caliph Abu Bakr As-Shidiq command to Amr for went to Palestine by Road Of Aylah. Muslim Army and Byzantine Army face to face at Battle Of Dhatin and they can defeat Byzantine Army. This battle broke at 634 AD, at this battle, Amr Ibn Ash and his army defeat Byzantine Army at Village Of Dathin, near Gaza, Palestine.

At May 634 AD, other Muslim Army under Khalid Ibn Al-Walid conquer City Of Bostra, Syria from Byzantine Army. Muslim Army under Khalid Ibn Al-Walid and Amr Ibn Ash, at 634 AD, defeat Byzantine Army at Battle Of Agnadine. At this battle, Rashidun Army face to face with 100.000 Byzantine Army that lead by Byzantine Emperor, Heraclius,  but Muslim Army can defeat them. Amr Ibn Ash also became one Muslim Commander at Conquest Of Damascus from Byzantine Empire and Battle Of Yarmouk (636 AD) that bring victory to Rashidun Caliphate.  After this battle, Amr Ibn Ash conquer Gaza from Byzantine Empire.

At 637 AD, Rashidun Army achieved Jerusalem, Most Important City at Palestine.  Before this, Amr Ibn Ash was conquer several Palestine City such as Septia, Nablus, Yabna, Amwas and Beit Jibrin and also City Of Rafah. At 637 AD/16 H, according Muslim Historian Baladhuri, Amr Ibn Ash besieged Jerusalem. Siege Of Jerusalem ended when Rashidun Caliphate, Umar Ibn Al-Khattab entered Jerusalem for held peace covenant with Jerusalem s residents and Jerusalem fall to Rashidun Caliphate.  Arthabon, Byzantine Governor at Jerusalem escape to Egypt.

Amr, after conquer Gaza and Jerusalem,  command by Caliph Umar Ibn Khattab for conquer Byzantine Territories at Egypt. When Conquest Of Egypt, broke little battle with Arthabon, but  most Conquest Of Egypt, according Muslim Historian Ibn Kathir, doing by peace covenant.  But, according one Coptic Egypt Historian, John Of Nikiu, broke confrontation beetwen Amr Ibn Ash and Byzantine Garrison that defend Egypt. Byzantine General, Leontios came to Fayyum to faced Amr.  At 640 AD, Amr Ibn Ash besieged one important Byzantine Fortress at Egypt, Babel and at 641 AD, Emperor Heraclius die and Muslim Army can conquer Fortress Of Babel. At 642 AD, Rashidun Army under Amr Ibn Ash conquer City Of Alexandria at Egypt with peace covenant.  Amr became Governor Of Egypt under Rasidhun Caliphate. Egyptian  welcome Rasidhun Conqueror enthusiastly because they was suffered Byzantine s oppresed. Amr ruled fairly and he build City Of Fusthat ( now became City Of Cairo) and he flow building at Egypt. Amr die at 663 AD, at 90 years old.

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Anonymous: Biografi Amr bin al-Ash - Cerita kisah cinta penggugah jiwa (kisahmuslim.com), accesed 27 September 2024, 09: 12 PM.



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