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Sultan Abdul Hamid II: Last Ottoman Eagle.


Source: Pinterest

Today, we will discuss about one big Ottoman Sultan at his end era. He is Sultan Abdul Hamid II ( ruled 1876-1909 AD). He is last Muslim s protector from Ottoman Sultan.  At his time, Ottoman Empire faced critical and crusial time . Lets read this article until end and subscribe my blog for more information about Islamic History. We will discuss one main character at Islamic Crusial Age who tried to became Islamic Protector at critical time.

According Shaykh Jihad Turbani, Palestinian Historian and Journalist, Sultan Abdul Hamid II handled Throne Of Ottoman Empire when Ottoman Empire entered his weakness era.  At 1877 AD, Sultan Abdul Hamid II, one years after he became Ottoman Sultan, legitimate Ottoman Parlemen State.

Under Sultan Abdul Hamid II, happened diplomatic relation beetwen Ottoman Empire and Russian Empire under Tsar Alexander II. Russian Empire tried to make peace covenant with Ottoman Empire. They send their ambassador, Ignatieff to Capital Of Ottoman Empire, Istanbul. But, Russia broke this covenant and they make Ottoman Empire angry with  their action captured Dobruja, Zishtovi, and Tirnova and kill many Muslim Civilians at this cities.  And, Empire Of Russia also want invaded Anatolia, that became prime territories Of Ottoman Empire.  At 1877 AD, Empire Of Russia invaded Ottoman Territories. According Historian Eugene Rogan, Russian Empire will invaded Ottoman Territories until they captured Istanbul, that at the past named Constantinople and this is Byzantine Empire Capital.  It is, according Historian Eugene Rogan, because Russian Empire feel himself as Byzantine Empire Successor.

For know relation beetwen Byzantine Empire, Ottoman Empire, and Russian Empire, please read our previous article:
Ottoman Empire And Empire Of Russia: Who Legitimate Successor From Byzantine Empire? - ACITYA HISTORY

At  1877 AD, broke war beetwen Ottoman Empire and Russian Empire,   at 1878 AD, Russian Army besieged City Of Istanbul. Sultan Abdul Hamid II, forced agree ceasefire with Russian Empire and stop war with Russia.  At 1878 AD, Kingdom Of British occupied Ottoman Territories at Cyprus  And, at 1881 AD, Kingdom Of France captured Tunisa from Ottoman Empire by military expansion.

At 1882 AD, Kingdom Of British captured Egypt . Started from 1897 AD, broke confrontation beetwen Ottoman Empire and Kingdom Of Greek. Kingdom Of Greek, though defeated by Ottoman Army at several confrontation , succeded captured Island Of Crete from Ottoman Dynasty, Muslim from Island Of Crete, move to Anatolia.

Though at his age, Ottoman Empire was weakened until defeated at many confrontation, Sultan Abdul Hamid II still do useful project for Muslims. With helped from German Empire under Emperor Wilhelm II, Sultan Abdul Hamid II build train rail from Istanbul to Medina at 1903 AD. Sultan Abdul Hamid II also flow education at Ottoman Empire. At his govement age, according  Historian Prof.DR.Mehmet Maksudoglu , Ottoman Empire s education institution  produce many doctors, state officer, and writter.

At 1909 AD, Sultan Abdul Hamid II ousted by Freemason Group at body Of Ottoman Empire, Ittihad Ve Teraqqi, he exciled to Thessalonica, Greek.  One years before this, Kingdom Of Austria captured Boznia and Herzegovina. Sultan Abdul Hamid II , though Ottoman at this age, was suffered decadension, but he still fight for protect Muslim Territories from Western State s raids and build useful building for Muslims. So match if Historian Jihad Turbani said if Sultan Abdul Hamid II is one from Ottoman Eagle.

Maksudoglu, Prof.DR.Mehmet: The Untold History OF Ottoman: Menelusuri Daulah Islamiyah Terbesar di Dunia dan Pemerintahannya, Pustaka Al-Kautsar, 2023 M.

AT-Turbani, Jihad: 100 Tokoh Islam Yang Mengubah Sejarah, Penerbit Aqwan, 2016 M.

Rogan, Eugene: The Fall Of The Khilafah: Perang Besar Yang Meruntuhkan Khilafah Utsmaniyah dan Mengubah Selamanya Wajah Timur Tengah, Penerbit Serambi, 2017 M.

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