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Al-Barra Ibn Malik: Unpredictable Hero.


Source: IDN Times.

Today, we will discuss about shahaba Al-Barra Ibn Malik,.an hero who , according many people at this time, have not interesting style, but he can became hero at many important battle at Islamic History. Today, we will discuss about this shahaba, who has important role at Conquest Of Persia by Rashidun Caliphate and became one prime hero at Conquest Of City Of Tustar, Iran. Lets read this article until end and dont forget, subscribe my blog for more information about Islamic History, a meaning support for us for educate people about Islamic History.

Al-Barra, doesnt handsome man. He has thin body, and  tangled hair and his body only bones with little meat. But, he is hero at battle, special at duel one by one beetwen warriors. His heroic action started at Era Of Caliph Abu Bakr As-Shidiq, First Caliphate From Rashidun Caliphate, who  ruled 632-634 AD  At Era Caliph Abu Bakr As-Shidiq s Goverment, many Arabian Tribes rebel  to Rashidun Caliphate, included at Oman, Yamamah, and Yemen. Two beetwen they is Bani Tayy and Bani Hanifa. Bani Hanifa lead by fake propeth Musaylama Al-Kaddzab.  Caliph Abu Bakr As-Shidiq send army to faced Musaylama s rebellion under Khalid Ibn Al-Walid. At this army, also join Al-Barra Ibn Malik as warrior.  The battle broke fiercely and when Musaylama s army forced by Muslim Army, they escaped to their fortress and Muslims Army besieged this fortress.  Bani Hanifa s army attack Muslims Army with arrows from fortress and now, Muslim Army forced. But, Al-Barra jump to Bani Hanifa s fortress and , alone he defeat 10 warriors from Bani Hanifa.  Al-Barra success open fortress s door for Muslim Army and Muslim Army entered fortress and kill many warriors from Bani Hanifa. Musaylama  die and Bani Hanifa defeated at this battle.  Al-Barra suffered seriously injury at this battle, he suffered 80 or more injury at his body because sword or arrow.  Al-Barra rest at his camp to get medicine. Khalid Ibn Walid, help Al-Barra with served medicine until Al-Barra recovered from his injury and after this battle, he next his struggle at many battle.

Until, one day, Rashidun Army besieged one most important fortress-city for Empire Of Persia. And, it is most important battle at Rashidun-Persian Conflict at era Of Caliph Umar Ibn Al-Khattab. According Historian Ibn Kathir, this battle broke at Year Of  17 Hijriyya.  Rashidun Army under Numan Ibn Muqarrin defeat Persian Army at Battle Of Ramahurmuz. Hormuzan, Persian Commander escaped to City Of Tustar, that is one main fortress for Empire Of Persia.  Muslim Army under Abu Sabra and Abu Musa besieged this city and Al-Barra  and his brother, Anas, join his battle. According Historian Ibn Kathir, at this battle, Al-Barra kill 100 Persian Warriors  at this battle. And, at this siege, Persian Army use  fire catrol to pretend Muslims Army climb the fortress and one catrol  grabbed Anas. Al-Barra save Anas with his hand until his hand only bones without meat because burned. At this battle, Al-Barra killed by Hormudzan. But, according Chronichles Of Khuzistan, Muslims Army can entered City Of Tustar with help from two Persian Warrior and conquer this city. Hormuzan escape to one fortress, but he prisoned by Muslims Army.

Story Of Al-Barra Ibn Malik, teach us for not judge man from this appereance  only, Because, appereance not  benchmark for character value from one man.

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