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Umar Al-Mukhtar: Libyan Hero Againt Italy Colonization.


Source: bestthdwallpaper

Today, we will discuss about one resistance hero at Lybia and discuss how this resistance hero shake Italian Army until he captured by Italian Army and how his struggle for Indepedence Of Italia? Please read this article until end because at this article, we will discuss about  one revolution commander at  Libya and his struggle to liberate Libya from Italian s colonization under Mussolini.

According Islamic Research Team Of Egypt,  Shaykh Umar Al-Mukhtar is member from  Sanusiyyah Tarekat ( Sufism Group).  His father, Al-Mukhtar is member from Tribes Of Quraish who stay at Libya and he married Aisha Binti Muharrib, and has son named Umar Al-Mukhtar.

Umar Al-Mukhtar became Islamic Scholar and at end of 19 TH Century, Umar went to Central Africa to help Muslim fight againt France Colonization and at 1911 AD,  President Of Italy, Mussolini tried to colonized Libya. He send several warship and army to attack Libya. But, Umar Al-Mukhtar, that at this time became Islamic Teacher at Libya lead People Of Libya fight againt Italian Colonizer and they can defeat Italian Army at many battle.

Italian Army, attack City Of Kufra at Libya with sadistic. They kill many civilians with sadistic method: throw them from high place until their head destroyed and they also kidnapped many Libyan children and forced them  for convert to Christian. They many kill innocent people. And, this slaughter, notes by one Italian Soldier who escaped from Italian Army for share to world about Italian Army s brutality.

Umar Al-Mukhtar still consisit with his resistance  againt Italian Army,. Ottoman Army at Tunisia also suppport Umar Al-Mukhtar in his action fight againt Italian Army. Ottoman Army fight with resistance group at  Libya for fight againt Italian Colonizer until Republic Of Italia attack Ottoman Empire s heart s territories. At 1912 AD, Italian Navy bombard City Of Beirut, Lybanon, that under Ottoman Supremacy and at 1912 AD also, occupied many Ottoman Empire s s main port such as Island Of Rhodes and Island Of Dodecanese. Umar Al-Mukhtar and his resistance group use guerilla tactic for attack Italian Army. He can defeat many Italian Army and he also split his time, beetwen fight for his state s indepedence and worship to Allah. He read Quran ( Islamic Holy Book) until end at night, he do Qiyamulail ( night prayer) and one day, he captured by Italian General, Graziani.

At 1931 AD, Umar Al-Mukhtar punished by die punishment by Italian Authority, he punished by die punishment after captured by Italian Army and prisoned. At the jail.  Though he doesnt seeing his state independent, but he was fight all out for save his people from Italian Army who doing slaughtered at Libya.  His biography became lesson for us: if we seeing people who oppresed around us, try to help him , though maybe you cannot out him from his oppresed. But, we must tried to help people around us that suffered or oppresed for existed for our careness.


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