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Special Episode For Indonesia 79 TH Indepedence Day: Sultanate Of Aceh Is Vassal From Ottoman Empire? History Analyzing.


Source: Alchetron.

Happy Indonesia 79 TH  Indepedence Day . Today, i will discuss about relation from Aceh Sultanate at Indonesia with Ottoman Empire. This part is important part in Islamic History at Indonesia. And, this part is also important part at Indonesian Indepedence Struggle. At this article, we also open why Aceh not colonized by European for long time? Ok, we will discuss at this article. Please read this article until end for get complete information about this. Because it is one of secret at Southeast Asia History.

Relation beetwen Ottoman Turks and Aceh Sultanate was started from 16 TH Century. Mendez Pinto, an 16 TH Century Portuguese Writter , when Aceh Sultanate  under Sultan Alauddin Riayat Shah Al-Kahar ( ruled 1537-1571 AD) attack Kingdom Of Batak ( Tamiang) that became Portuguese ally, Aceh Army consist of Acehnese Army and 300 Turkish Army who bring Arquebus ( Middle Age Firegun) and also cannon.

 According Mendez Pinto, Turkish also send navy to Aceh with 5000 warriors under Commander Hamet Khan/ Muhammad Khan. According Mendez Pinto, this event happened at 1539 AD. At 1539 AD, Ottoman Turks under Sultan Sulayman Al-Qanuni ( ruled 1520-1566 AD). Under Goverment Of Sulayman Al-Qanuni, Ottoman Empire fight againt Portuguese Colonizer at Indian Ocean. At 1551 AD, Ottoman Empire captured Oman from Portuguese after fierce battle. At 1535 AD, Ottoman Empire was captured Aden, Yemen from Portuguese by navy under Sulayman Pasha that sended from Egypt. Maybe, Ottoman s Army who sended to Aceh not send from Istanbul, but from Yemen because more near with Indian Ocean. Pinto s notes mentioned Turkish navy went to Aceh from  Egypt.  Maybe , Turkish Navy at Pinto s notes is part from Sulaiman Pasha s navy. Hamet Khan. Leader Of Turkish Navy called by Pinto as  cousin from Bassa/Pasha from Cairo. Maybe this mean, he is cousin from Sulaiman Pasha who became Ottoman Governor at Egypt.

At 1565 AD, Sultan Alauddin  Riayat Shah Al-Kahar Of Aceh ask helped from Sultan Sulayman Al-Qanuni to attack Portuguese Invader at Malacca. Two Turkish Ship contained workers and several guns to Aceh. Sultan Alauddin Riayat Shah explain his self as Ottoman Subordinate. Not only for Aceh Sultanate,  Several Ottoman Empires Officer  also give military education to Fatahillah/ Falatehan , an Pasai Younger who studied at Mecca after Pasai, Aceh,  occupied by Portuguese. At 1527 AD, Falatehan lead Demak and Cirebon Army destroy Portuguese Armada at Sunda Kelapa. At this time, Portuguese held alliance with Hindu Kingdom Of Sunda.

Notes Of Beaulieu, that record about Sultan Iskandar Muda, biggest Aceh Sultan who ruled until 1636 AD, imitated Ottoman Turkish Army Structure for Aceh Army. Sultan Iskandar Muda make warrior unite named Ambarraja that imitated Janissary Army at Ottoman Empire who have duty protect king. For Ottoman Janissary, you can read this article:

Janissary: Ottoman Elite Army. - ACITYA HISTORY

The point, relation beetwen Ottoman Empire and Aceh Sultanate is proof from solidarity beetwen Muslims. As Muslim at Indonesia, we must care to other Muslims,  wherever they life who suffered disaster and hardness. Help him, according our skills.


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