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Origin Of Propeth Ibrahim Alaihissalam: History Analyzer.


Source: Zulfan Afdhilla.

Today, we will discuss about origin of Propeth Ibrahim Alaihissalam. This story not telled at Quran. Quran only documentated several part from Propeth Ibrahim Alaihissalam s life. Now, we will discuss, where Propeth Ibrahim Alaihissalam  from? Is he Israeli, Babylonian, or other?  At this article, we will discuss several argument from several sources about origin of Propeth Ibrahim Alaihissalam. Please read this article until end for get complete information about this topics.

Propeth Ibrahim Alaihissalam, is important Propeth at Islam, Judaism, and Christianity.  He considered as founder from Monotheism Religion. But, from where Ibrahim came? It is debatable. Lets discuss it and we will find information about origin from Propeth Ibrahim Alaihissalam.

First argument, Propeth Ibrahim Alaihissalam is Israeli/Hebrew. This argument, handled by Christian Prince and  Prof.DR.Ahmad Syalabi.  DR Ahmad Syalabi, cite argumet of Dr.Israel Wilson who said Propeth Ibrahim originated from Hebrew Nomadic Tribe. According DR.Israel Smith, Hebrew People , before they moved to Palestine, stay at Babylon.

Second argument, according Rabbi Ezra Abraham, Propeth Ibrahim Alaihissalam is native from Babylonia and he is Sumerians. According Rabbi Eza Abraham, terms of Hebrew/Israeli used by sons from Propeth Yaqub Alaihissalam ( grandson from Propeth Ibrahim Alaihissalam). This argument, also strengthed by Historian Philip.K.Hitti, when discuss Middle East before Islam. He mentioned , Hebrew/ Israeli People used as terms from Propeth Yaqub Alaihissalam descedants from his wife, Rachel when they stay at Egypt until they moved to Palestine at 1225 BC.  According DR.Ahmad Syalabi, Israeli is terms for all Propeth Yaqub Alaihissalam descedant, because Israel is nickname from Propeth Yaqub. From his wife, Lea, Propeth Yaqub have several child: they are Robbin, Syamun, Levi/Lawe, Yahuda/ Yehuda, Yassakir and Zabolon. From his wife Rachel, Propeth Yaqub has child Yusuf and Benjamin. From his wife Zilfa, Propeth Yaqub has child Gad and Asher. From his wife, Belha, Propeth Yaqub has child Dan and Naftali. They are ancestor from Ancient Israeli.

This argument also strengthed by Historian Ismail Raji Al-Faruqi, who said Propeth Ibrahim Alaihissalam born a at era King Hammurabi Of Babylon ( according my opinion, maybe he is King Namrud- we will discuss it next- elder). Historian Ismail Raji Al-Faruqi said Propeth Ibrahim life at Ancient Babylon Era.  Sayyid Quthb, an Koran Interpreter also handled argument Propeth Ibrahim Alaihissalam originated from Babylon and he preached at King Of Babylon who worship to statue, King Namrud.

From several argument above, argument that Propeth Ibrahim Alaihissalam originated from Babylon and he is Sumerian, more strong from argument Propeth Ibrahim Alaihissalam from Hebrew/Israel. How? Because this argument supported by many expert and argument that Propeth Ibrahim from Hebrew/Israeli who stay at Babylon, no have strong supporter proof Proof that Hebrew People ever stay at Babylon, not yet finded and according Rabbi Ezra Abraham, Hebrew in begin not name of nation but nickname of Abraham, from word of Ivri ( cross) because he leave Babylon to Palestine. This nickname, came from Palestinian Natives, Tribe Of Kanaan to Propeth Ibrahim Alaihissalam, according Prof.DR.Ahmad Syalabi originated from  Old Arabic Word  Ibri’ ( moving). Oldest Document  about Hebrew/Israeli People is Document about buildings at new Egypt Capital when era Pharaoh Ramses II at 2 BC Century that mentioned worker from Nations Of Apiru ( interpreted by Historian DR.Loay Fatoohi as Hebrew) . It is stengthed Historian Philip.K.Hitti argument that terms of Hebrew used by Propeth Ibrahim s descedants from his grandson, Propeth Yaqub Alaihissalam when they stay at Egypt. For this time, interpretation about Propeth Ibrahim Alaihissalam originated from Babylon, such as interpretation by many Muslim Historian and Rabbi Ezra Abraham, can accepted until finded strongest proof.

Wallahualam Bishawab.

Hitti, Philip.K: History Of The Arabs: Rujukan Induk dan Paling Otoritatif Tentang Sejarah Peradaban Islam, Penerbit Serambi, 2006 M.

Prince, Christian: The Deception Of Allah: Allah Khairul Makirin, Vol.1,  tanpa tahun dan penerbit.

Syalabi,   Prof DR.Ahmad: Sejarah Yahudi & Zionisme : Catatan Tentang Kejahatan-Kejahatan Yahudi Sepanjang Masa,  Penerbit Arti Bumi Intaran, 2006 M.

Fatoohi, DR.Louay dan Al-Dargazeli, Prof.Setha: Sejarah Bangsa Israel dalam Bibel dan Al-Quran: Sebuah Penelitian Islamic Archaeology, Mizan Media Utama, 2008 M.

Romli, Muhammad Tajuddin: Millah Ibrahim ( Abrahamic Religion) Dalam Kajian Al-Quran: Titik Temu Agama Ibrahim Menuju Terwujudnya Perdamaian Beragama, Hermeneutika:Jurnal Ilmu Al-Quran dan Tafsir Volume 14, Nomor 01, 2020 M.

Nurhajanti, Maisaroh: Kisah Nabi Ibrahim A.S. Dalam Al-Quran  ( Suatu Kajian Semiotik), Tesis UIN Syarif Hidayatullah, 2008 M.

Discussion  with Rabbi Ezra Abraham, Thursday, 16 August 2024, Via Instagram.


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