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Story Of Eyewitness From Islamic Tolerance ( Secret Story Of Musa Ibn Maymun)


Source: Turkcebilgi.

Musa Ibn Maymun. Maybe we dont often hear his name. But, Musa Ibn Maymun is one from eyewitness from Islamic Tolerance at Middle Age. Musa is Not Muslim, he is Jews and he can became private doctor for Ayyubid Dynasty because tolerance that doing by Ayyubid Dynasty when they ruled Middle East. Musa Ibn Maymun is one from Spain Jewish who escaped cruel goverment at Spain and get tolerance at Ayyubid Goverment. Ok, lets discuss it and read this article until end for get complete information.

Beetwen 1099-1147 AD, happened change. Al-Moravid Dynasty at Spain andAfrica replaced by Al-Mohad ( Al Muwahiddun) Dynasty. Al-Mohad Dynasty, beginning from Religion Revolution that doing by Muhammad Ibn Tumart ( 1078-1130 AD). Muhammad Ibn Tumart confess his self as fake propeth and Imam Mahdi and he started founded Al-Mohad Dynasty. Ibn Tumart replaced by Abd Al-Mukmin, his closefriend. Abd Al-Mukmin captured Morocco Cities from Al-Moravid Dynasty and he replaced by his grandson, Yusuf Al-Manshur (  ruled 1184-1199 AD). When era of Al-Mohad Dynasty, Ruler from Al-Mohad Dynasty disturb Non Muslim People. Including Jewish. Historian Ibnu Jauzi write, Abd Al-Mukmin is intolerant leader. He call Jewish and Christian at his territories and he said he give choice to them: Convert to Islam, go to enemy territories, or they will killed.  Abd Al-Mukmin, forced his people must convert to Islam. Important for know , it is not Islamic Teaching.  QS.Al-Kafiruun: Verses 6 said:
Ù„َÙƒُÙ…ْ دِينُÙƒُÙ…ْ ÙˆَÙ„ِÙ‰َ دِينِ Ù¦

You have your religion and i have my religion.

The mean is we cannot forced people to convert to Islam. Abd Al-Mukmin, clearly disobey Islamic Teaching.

One of Jewish Family at Spain , is Ibn Maymun s family. Musa Ibn Maymun , who has complete name Abu Imran Musa Ibn Maymun Ibn Abdullah Al-Yahudi Al-Israili Al-Qurtubi Al-Andalusi, born at 1130 AD. Ibn Maymun studied Islam and Judaism at City Of Cordoba. And also he also studied about Philosophy and literature. When Al-Mohad Dynasty under Abd Al-Mukmin captured Cordoba, Ronda, Sevilla and Granada, several Muslim City at Spain,  and forced his people to convert to Islam. Musa and his family  move to City Of Almeria that not ruled by Al-Mohad Dynasty.  At City Of Almeria, Ibnu Maymun studied about medicine.

Musa Ibn Maymun and his family moved to City Of Fez, Morocco. At this city, Musa studied Judaism from his teacher, Rabbi Yudah Ibn Sosan. And, at 1165 AD, Musa s family move to Acre, Palestine that ruled by Crusader. Because at City Of Fez, Goverment Of Al Mohads executed Yudah Ibn Sosan because he not want became Muslim.

Along his hard age, Ibn Maymun studied many knowledge and he helped by Muslim Scholars that teach him about philosophy and Arabian Language. Though different at religion, Muslim Scholars not reluctant help Ibn Maymun to studied many knowledge.

Ibn Maymun and his family, next moved to Fustat, Egypt that ruled by Ayyubid Dynasty under Sultan Saladin . Ayyubid Dynasty is tolerant goverment and Qadhi Al-Fadhil, Saladin s  main adviser  make Musa Ibn Maymun as Saladin s private doctor because Musa s knowledge at medicine. Musa Ibn Maymun write a masterpiece at medicine. He write Al-Fushul Fi At-Thib about medicine.  And also he write Fushul Musa, Encyclopedy Of Medicine, discuss disease and medicine detailed.

All Of Ibn Maymun s book write in Arabic. Not by Hebrew, Holy Language Of Judaism. Musa s books discuss about medicine, philosophy, and also interpretation of Torah ( book that revealed by Allah Subhanahuwataala to Propeth Musa Alaihissalam  for Israeli). Musa married at 50 Years old and he die at 1204 AD. Muslims, Jewish, and Christian People attend his funeral.

Musa Ibn Maymun s story is example from Muslim Tolerance. Muslim can help  fellow human who have hardness without seing religion, tribal, and ethnics. Musa s story is real example for Islamic Tolerance. Not fair claim Islam is intolerant religion without read historical example. Many example at history, Muslim can be light for other human, light that help people out from darkness. As Muslims, we must be light for other human, not became terror.


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