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Forgotten Battle Of Zallacca: The Begin Of Morocco Goverment At Spain


Source: Jutt Official.

Yesterday, we was discuss about Umayyad Dynasty s ruin at Spain. Now, we will discuss about Age Of Muluk Thawaif ( little kings) at Spain and how African Dynasty, Al-Moravid, ruled Spain and make new goverment. This goverment, protect Spain from Christian King s agression. Ok. Lets discuss it. Please read this article until end for get complete information. But, before next to read this article, for reader who not yet read previous article. Please read previous article at this link:
Al-Hajib Al-Manshur: Ordinary People Who Control Caliphate - ACITYA HISTORY

Age of Muluk Thawaif run from 422-483 H. At this age, Spain split into several Muslim Kingdoms after Ruin Of Umayyad Caliphate. Beetwen them, exist also Bani Ubbad at Seville, Bani Hammud at Malaga and Algecires, Bani Zeri at Granada, Bani Hud at Zaragoza, Bani An-Nun at Toledo, and other kings. This chance, used by King Of Castille, Alfonso VI/Adzvunus to invaded Muslim Territories at Spain. Alfonso VI invaded  Kingdom Of Ubbad at Seville and Al-Mutamid Ibn Ubbad, King Of Seville ask helped to Kingdom Of Al-Moravid. Kingdom Of Al-Moravid, is  Muslim-Negro Dynasty that ruled West Africa and Morocco, Algeria, Senegal, and around it ( in Arabian Sources, Al Moravid called by ‘Al-Murabithun’). Muslim Territories at Andalusia, at this age,  threatened by two Christian Giant Power. Alfonso VI, King Of Leon-Castille United Kingdom  was annexed Galicia and Navarre.And at Valencia, an Crusader Knight, El Cid, invaded Kingdom Of Ubbad from their basics at Valencia. Al-Mutamid ask helped to Almoravid Dynasty that at this age, lead by Sultan Yusuf Ibn Tashfin.  At 1086 AD, Yusuf lead 20.000 Almoravid Army ( 30.000 according Historian Jihad At-Turbani) to attack Spain and defeat Alfonso VI.  Alfonso VI build strong army. His army consisit of British, French, and Italian Army. They also completed by complete weapon. According Historian Jihad Turbani, Alfonso VI s army consist of 60.000 warriors.

When night, Alfonso VI dream that he ride elephant and hit  tambourine. Alfonso VI call one Jewish Civilian for find Muslims who kno about this dream. The Jewish ask one of sheikh  from Muslims Civilian  and ask about mean of this dream. The sheikh tell to the Jewish the mean from the dream is Alfonso will defeated if he next the war. The sheikh interpreted elephant as mark Alfonso will destroyed like elephant army at Quran Surah Al-Fiil: 1 and about tamborine, the sheikh interpreted according QS.Al-Mudatsir : 8 about trumpet. And, at Muslim Army, an sheikh named Ibnu Rumailah dream meet with Rasulullah Shallahu Alaihi Wasallam who tell Muslims Army will win this battle. He tell it to Yusuf Ibn Tashfin and Muslim Army. At day of Friday,  23 October 1086 AD, battle broke at Zallacca, near from City Of Badajoz. Alfonso VI defeated and his army destroyed.

After this battle, Yusuf return to Africa. But, after this, Islamic Kings at Spain argue and they intercept several preachers that sended by Al Moravid Dynasty for give they warning. Muslim at Spain ask helped to Yusuf from liberate them from this little kings. But, Yusuf doesnt want fight againt Muslims. Until Shaykh Abu Hamid Al-Ghazali from Baghdad, Iraq, ask him to annexed Spain because conflict beetwen Muslim Kings there. At 1090 AD, Yusuf annexed Islamic Cities at Spain, included Seville, Granada, and other cities.

After this, Yusuf also fight againt El Cid, Crusader Knight at Valencia. El Cid has original name Rodrigo Diaz De Bivar and he supported by Muslim Warriors from Bani Hud to attack Al Moravid Dynasty. Confrontation beetwen Al Moravid Dynasty and El Cid happened beetwen 1093-1099 AD. This confrontation ended by Battle Of Konsugira ( 1098 AD). At this battle, Yusuf defeat El Cid s army and kill his son. At 1099 AD, El-Cid die, and  at 1102 AD, Al Moravid Army under Muhammad Ibn Muzadili occupied this city.

Al-Moravid expansion is begin from Moroccan Goverment at Spain. We will next with discussion about Age Of Al Mohad Dynasty, other Moroccan Dynasty that replaced Al-Moravid Dynasty at next article. Share this article if you feel this article give you benefit.

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