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Ottoman Empire Maligned?Straighten Crooked Claim About Ottoman Empire.


Source: History Today.

Yesterday, i read one Instagram Story from one preacher. This content claim Ottoman Empire is not Islamic Kingdom. Originally, they worship to tomb and Muhammad Al-Fatih, one of Greatest Ottoman Sultan, sell Palestine to Jewish. The point, Ottoman Dynasty accused sell Palestine to Jewish and worship to tomb. It is true? Lets discuss it at this article, before it, please read this article until end for get full information.

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ACITYA NUSANTARA, at this blog, we focuss discuss about Islamic History at Middle East and other part of the world. Ok, let discuss it.

First, accusion that Ottoman Dynasty worship the tomb is invalid.  Islamic Source though mentioned Ottoman Empire have strong establishment to Islamic Religion. This is can we see at Sulaiman Pasha, one of Ottoman Commander s quotes, when he started Ottoman Expansion at Europe: he will accross the sea with bless of Allah. Ottoman Empire also have goverment with Islamic Law and they so tight in practicing Islamic Law. So, how they worship tomb that clearly forbidde in Islamic Teaching? Fix, this claim is fake because not have historical proof.

The Turks was worship tomb, is exist. And they life far before Ottoman Empire. Ibn Kathir, recorded at 33 H, broke battle beetwen Muslim and Turks Army at Balanjar, Caucasus. Muslim Army lead by Abdurrahman Ibn Rabiah and he die at this battle. Turks Army bring Abdurrahman body to their land and burried it at this place. They pray ask rain to his tomb. According Historian DM Dunlop, Turks at this area, located at Modern Russia and they are Khazar Turks, who will convert to Judaism at next age. From this, i know, the preacher cannot  differentiate beetwen Turks as nation and Ottoman as goverment that founded by  a Group Of Turks. Turks as nation, have many tribes. DR.Mehmet Maksudoglu, an Turkish Historian, write that Turkish as Nation have many tribes. Ottoman Empire originated from Tribes Of Oghuz.

And, second, accusion that Mehmed II/ Muhammad Al-Fatih sell Land Of Palestine to Jewish. It is fake claim. Why? Because at era Of Sultan Muhammad Al-Fatih. Ottoman Empire not yet ruled Palestine. Mehmed II s policy focuss to expansion to Balkan Peninsula , Greek Islands, East Europe, and East Anatolia because threatment from Ottoman s enemy at there territories.  When Era Of Mehmet II, Palestine still became Mameluke Dynasty s territories and at this era, Mameluke lead by several sultan who dont confront Ottoman Empire. Palestine fall to Ottoman Empire at 16 TH Century, when era of Sultan Salim I who ended Mameluke Dynasty s supremacy at Middle East, at 1517 AD, after Battle Of Raidaniyya when became end of Mameluke Dynasty. My question, how Mehmed II sell Palestine to Jewish ?  Whereas, Ottoman Empire not yet ruled this territories.

 Maybe it is answer from me for straighten accussion about Ottoman Empire. And, important, we must read history from credibel source. Not only at social media. Choose credible refrence about history.

Maksudoglu, Prof.DR.Mehmet: The Untold History Of Ottoman: Menelusuri Daulah Islamiyah Terbesar di Dunia dan Pemerintahannya, Pustaka Al-Kautsar, 2023 M.

Imam Ibnu Katsir: Perjalanan Hidup Empat Khalifah Rasul Yang Agung, Penerbit Darul Haq, 2012 M.

Hitti, Philip.K: History Of The Arabs: Rujukan Induk dan Paling Otoritatif Tentang Sejarah Peradaban Islam, Penerbit Serambi, 2006 M.

Balanjar (jewishvirtuallibrary.org), accesed 7 August 2024, 08: 56 PM.

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