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Avicenna: First Modern Doctor From Islamic World

Source: Republika.

Today, i will discuss about first  modern doctor from Muslims World. And, his name popular as pioneer at modern medicina. He also expert at philosophy. Yes, he is Avicenna ( Ibn Sina). And, his book became main source for medicine in long time. Ok, lets discuss it , and please subscribe my blog for more information about Islamic History. And, dont forget. Insha Allah, at this month, we will open new website.

Ibn Sina ( life 980-1037 AD), has original name Abu Ali Al-Husayn Ibn Abdullah. He born near Bukhara, Uzbekistan and he spend his life at East Islamic World. Ibn Sina life at goverment age of Nuh Ibn Manshur, King Of Samanid Dynasty, who ruled 976-997 AD.  From 21 TH Years Old, Ibn Sina started write a book. When he was young, he can heal Nuh Ibn Manshur from his disease. Ibn Sina write about philosophy, medicine, theology, astronomy, philology, and other. According Historian Philip.K.Hitti, Ibn Sina was write 200 works. According Historian Ahmet Kuru, Ibn Sina s book, Qanun Fi Thib that discuss about medicine, pressed for 60 copies along 1500 until 1674 AD.

At 22 Years old, Ibn Sina leave Bukhara  to Jurjan, and to Khwarizm because political chaos until he moved to Esfahan, that under Goverment Of Alad-Daulah, at Esfahan, Ibn Sina find stabilize .  At this time, Ibn Sina spend his time with research and write about medicine, psichology, and other. Ibn Sina, according Researcher Jarman Ar-Roisi, combine philosophy s idea from several Greek Philosophers, such as Aristoteles and Plato. Ibn Sina also has interest dialog with Al-Biruni, Muslim Philosopher and Historian who write Tarikh  Al-Hind ( at English Translate An Account Of Religion, Philosophy, Literature, Geography, Chronology, Astronomy, Customs, Laws, and Astrology Of India ) about other world  out of human world. Ibn Sina, according Aristoteles  s philosophy has a argument: not exist other world out of human world. And, Al-Biruni, has argument maybe exist world out of human world.

Ibn Sina also write comment to Aristoteles s philosophycal s book, De Anima and he also do research about human soul. According Historian Ibn Khaldun, Ibn Sina is one from medicine expert from Muslim World.  Ibn Sina s works not only Qanun Fi Thib,  he also write other books, such as Kitab Al-Syifa at medicine. Ibn Sina s book, Qanun Fi Thib translated to Latin to Gerard Of Cremona at 12 TH Century. This book discuss about several disease. Included disease at lungs and  disease that  bringed by water and dust. At this book, Ibn Sina mentioned 760 medicinal. At 15 TH Century,  Qanun Fi Thib pressed for 15 copies  at Language Of Latin and Hebrew.

Ibn Sina die at 980 AD, when accompanied Alad-Daulah when his journey to Hamadhan. And he leave legacy for Muslims and worlds with his works.

Hitti, Philip.K: History Of The Arabs: Rujukan Induk dan Paling Otoritatif Tentang Sejarah Peradaban Islam, Penerbit Serambi, 2006 M.

Kurru, Ahmet.T.: Islam, Otoritarianisme, dan Ketertinggalan, Kepustakaan Populer Gramedia, 2021 M.

Khaldun, Ibnu: Sebuah Karya Mega Fenomenal dari Cendikiawan Muslim Abad Pertengahan, Pustaka Al-Kautsar 2023 M.

Ar-Roisi, Jarman dan Rifai Dai, Rahmat Ardi Nur: Psikologi Islam Ibnu Sina ( Studi Analisis Kritis Tentang Konsep Jiwa Perspektif Ibnu Sina), Prosiding Konferensi Integrasi Interkoneksi Islam Dan Sains, 2020 M.

Avicenna - Persian Philosopher, Medicine, Science | Britannica, accesed 16 August 2024, 09: 47 PM.

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