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Mongols And Crusader Alliance: Myth Of Prester John.


Source: Art Station.

Today, i will discuss about one alliance about Mongols and  Crusader for faced Muslims Goverment. This alliance, is unique alliance and not popular, but have influence to geopolitic at Middle East. And, unique, the alliance begin from myth at Crusader Army. Ok, please read this article until end and subscribe my blog for more information about Islamic History. And, support us with like, subscribe, and share for flow this blog.

At 1229 AD, Crusader at Palestine can captured several city from Ayyubid Dynasty, such as Beirut, Safawi, Tiberias, Ascalon, and also Jerusalem, Muslim Holiest City at Palestine. They use Ayyubid Dynasty s game of throne. But, at 1244 AD, Tribes Of Khawarizm from Central attack Damascus and also captured Jerusalem from Crusader. And, they also make alliance with Ayyubi Dynasty. At Battle Of Gaza, Khwarizm-Ayyubid Army can defeat Crusader. At 1250 AD, King Of France, Louis IX who lead Crusader at Sixth Crusade ( 1249 AD) defeated by Ayyubid Army under As-Shalih Ayyub at Cairo and Louis IX became hostage. Louis freed and he became Leader Of Crusader State at Palestine from 1250-1254 AD. He build fortress at City Of Acre, Hayfa, Caesarea, and Sidon that under Crusader Goverment. But, Louis cannot captured Jerusalem from Ayyubid Dynasty.

Crusader at Palestine, have one mithology, this is Prester John. Prester John is Christian s  Rescue who originated from East World. At 1258, Mongols Army under Hulagu Khan do invasion at West Asia and they can conquest Bagdad, Capital City Of Abbasid Dynasty.  According Notes Of Ibn Khaldun, an 14 TH Century Historian, Hulagu also invaded Syria and he can occupied Jerusalem. Crusader at Palestine, consider  Hulagu and Mongols  Army as Prester John  that awaited at their faith.

At 1245 AD, Pope Innocent IV tried to Christianize Mongols Nations. He send missionaris to Mongols Emperor. And, at 1248 AD, Missionaris sended to Baichu, Mongols General. And they tell Louis IX that Mongols interest to Christian Religion. At 658 H/ 1260 AD, Mongols Army defeated by Mameluke s Army at Ayn Jalut, Palestine. Hulagu founded Mongols Dynasty at Iraq, Ilkhanid and at 664 H, he die becauese disease of ayan and replaced by his son, Abagha Khan. Mongols make alliance with two Christian Kingdom for defeat Mameluke Dynasty. Kingdom Of Armenia Cilicia under King Hethum I and Crusader Kingdom at Antioch  under Bohemond VI. Ilkhanat Empire, with his two proxy, Kingdom Of Armenia and Kingdom Of Antioch close wood and steel export from Anatolia to Egypt, Mameluke Dynasty s center.  But, Mameluke Dynasty take resolute step.  At 1268 AD, Mameluke Dynasty under Sultan Baybars conquer Kingdom Of Antioch. And, it is end from Kingdom Of Antioch.  Seeing this, King Of Armenia  terms with Baybars.

After Baybars  s die,  Throne Of Mameluke Dynasty handled by Qallawun, Baybars Son-In Law and  at1280 AD, Qallawun destroy Abagha s coaliton army that attack Syria at Battle Of Emessa/ Homs. This army consist  of Mongols Army and also Crusader, Kingdom Of Armenia and Kingdom Of Georgia. Crusader Kingdom Of Tripoly, Lebanon,  make alliance with Mongols Army and at 1289 AD, Mameluke Army attack Tripoly and ended Kingdom Of Tripoli.

At 681 H, Mongols Dynasty at Persia  started received Islam. King Of Ilkghan, Tagudar Khan convert to Islam Tagudar Khan  send letter to Qallawun for held relation with Mameluke Dynasty. Tagudar ousted by his cousin, Arghun Khan and Argun Khan make alliance with Crusader and Kingdom Of Armenia for attack Mameluke Dynasty. Ilkhanat Dynasty ruled by several Non Muslim Ruler after Tagudar Khan, they are Arghun, Gaykhatu, and Baydu. But, next ruler, Ghazan convert to Islam and Islam became religion of Ilkhanat Country until his ruin.

And, also Crusader Goverment at Palestine and around it ended at the hand of Mameluke Dynasty. At 1293 AD, Mameluke Sultan, Ashraf conquer Acre from Crusader and also several Crusader s last fortress, such as Tyre, Sidon, Beirut, Antartus, and Athlit. According Historian Philip.K.Hitti, it is end from Crusade. With Ilkhanat Convertion to Islam and Crusader s Goverment at Palestine s sruin, Crusader-Mongols Alliance failed.

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Tim Riset dan Studi Islam Mesir: Ensiklopedi Sejarah Islam, Pustaka Al-Kautsar, 2019 M.

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Aliansi Perancis-Mongol - COLLECTION OF WORLD ENCYCLOPEDIA - spanyol.nkri-indonesia.com, accesed 12 August 2024, 09: 02 PM.


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