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Al-Hajib Al-Manshur: Ordinary People Who Control Caliphate


Source: Pinterest.

Caliph, at Islamic Tradition, usually appointed from Arab Nobleman Family who handled goverment of dynasty. We know it as Umayyad Dynasty, Abbasid Dynasty, and Fathimid Dynasty. But, now, we will discuss  when people who  control caliphate who originated from ordinary people who maybe not popular at Islamic History Studies, but has a service cause Umayyad Dynasty that dying at Middle Age.

He is Al-Hajib Al Manshur, born with original name Muhammad Ibn Abi Amir.  Muhammad Ibn Abi Amir, born at Algecires, one city at Green Islands. When he was younger, he studied hadith and Islamic Studies at Cordova, Capital City Of Umayyad Dynasty at Spain.  He is ordinary people and has job as trader and courier.  Sayyidah Sabah,  Empress Of Umayyad Dynasty interest with Muhammad s cleverness and  tell it to his husband, Caliph Al-Hakam,Caliph  Al-Hakam  appointed Muhammad as judge and after die of Caliph Al-Hakam  became prime minister. Caliph Al-Hakam s sucessor, Caliph Hisham II  Ibn Al-Hakam is too childish and incompetent person. When Caliph Hisham replace his father, he was 12 TH Years Old Children.  He love splurging and Muhammad use this moment for achieve power.  He control goverment and Muhammad Ibn Abi Amir build his capital, named Az-Zahira at 978 AD. Sayyidah Sabah tried call several Governor at Marrakesh, Morocco to defeat Muhammad Ibn Abi Amir. But, Muhammad can  thwart this conspiration. Sayyidah Sabah also tried provocated people that Muhammad Ibn Abi Amir ruled with arbithary. This trial also failed.  Muhammad Ibn Abi Amir  not overthrow Caliph Hisham II, but he became original leader and also military commander.  He only became prime minister with title Al-Hajib Al-Manshur.He also make new rule at Umayyad Military. He replace tribal system with reciment system.  With his new military, he invaded several Christian States at North Spain that became threatment for Umayyad Dynasty.  He attack Kingdom Of Leon, Castile, and Catalonia and also captured their cities. At 981 AD, he captured City Of Zamora and at 985 AD, he entered  City Of Barcelona. At 988 AD, he destroy fortress at City Of Leon. He also expand his territories to Mountain Of Galicia.

Al-Manshur die at 1002 AD  when he return from Battle Againt Kingdom Castille.  He burried at Medinaceli, Spain. After his die, Umayyad Dynasty weakened and happened struggle of throne beetwen Umayyad Family and also Slavians, Spanish, and Moroccan People at Spain. Hisham II exilend and back to the throne, and at 1009 AD, he forced retreat by his cousin, Muhammad II. Muhammad II is cruel leader and after this, several caliphs  turns lead Umayyad Dynasty. At 1027 AD, Hisham  II back to throne, and he  imprisoned. Caliphate erased from Spain. And, Spain split into several Muslim Kingdoms ( Muluk Thawaif) that lead by Moroccan, Syrian, and other.

Next article, Insha Allah, we will discuss age of Muluk Thawaif  at Spain. This age is critical age at Islamic History. According Historian Philip K.Hitti, at this age, Spain split into 20 states. And we will discuss condition at this age at next article.

Hitti, Philip.K: History Of The Arabs: Rujukan Induk dan Paling Otoritatif Tentang Sejarah Peradaban Islam,Penerbit Serambi, 2006 M.

Tim Riset dan Studi Islam Mesir: Ensiklopedi Sejarah Islam: Rujukan Induk dan Paling Otoritatif Tentang Sejarah Peradaban Islam,Pustaka Al-Kautsar, 2019 M.

Affan, Muhammad : Peperangan, Proxy, Mozarab dan Cordova dalam Sejarah Umayyah II di Andalusia, JUSPI: Jurnal Sejarah Peradaban Islam Vol.2, No.1, Tahun 2018 M. UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung.

Mengenal Al-Manshur, Penguasa Andalusia | Republika Online, accesed 4 August 2024 09: 39 PM.

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