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Vasco Da Gama S Secret Plan? Portuguese s Secret Mission

Source: Pinterest.

Portuguese, maybe one from popular  maritime state at 16 TH Century. Because his imperialism that rely on navy and their imperialism at Southeast Asia and other territories. But, Kingdom Of Portugal, at 16 TH Century, have secret plan that maybe not know by many people. This secret plan is  Theft of Rasulullah Shallahu Alaihi Wasallam s Tomb.  At this article, we will discuss about Portuguese Secret Expedition that have dark plan at Middle East. Ok, lets read this article until end and subscribe my blog for more information about Islamic History.

Historian Jihad Turbani, uncover that Vasco Da Gama, Portuguese Sailor has a plan attack Mecca and Medina and other Muslim States. Vasco Da Gama sail to East Africa and he destroy 300 mosques ar East Africa. Vasco also drown ship at Gulf Of Oman that pick up 100  Hajj Pilgrims. And, at Kalikut, India, Vasco burn Arabian Ships that contained 400 civilian , beetwen them women and children. At 1479 AD, Vasco find Cape Of God Hope. Vasco can achieved Kalikut/ Calcutta because help from one Muslim Navigator, Ahmad Ibn Majid. Portuguese established colony at India. Portuguese s secret mission is occupied Mecca and theft Rasulullah Shallahu Alaihi Wasallam s tomb. Portuguese also has a plan for make Egypt famine by dry River Of Nile. Portuguese have a plan make Indian Ocean became Lake Of Portuguese and prevent Muslim s Sail at this place.

Christian Kingdom s plan to occupied Mecca  and Medina is not new plan. This plan was exist under Age Of Crusade. At 1180 AD,  Sultan Saladin from Ayyubid Dynasty and King Baldwin IV from Crusader Kingdom Of Jerusalem held ceasefire. But, Reynald Of Chattilion, one of Crusaders Commander has a plan to attack Medina. Reynald went with 300 Crusaders and 5 ships. Crusaders Navy under Reynald became pirate at Arabia s  Waters. They , like Vasco Da  Gama, attack Hajj Pilgrims and burn 16 ships. They also attack Hajj Pilgrim s Group who came from Egypt. But, Sultan Saladin know Reynald s plan. He command his admiral, Husamuddin Lulu to attack Reynald s navy. Husamuddin Lulu sail and he can defeat two ship of Crusader. At Rabigh, Lulu captured Crusaders s ships and captured many Crusaders. Remnant Of Crusaders can escape from Lulu. But, Lulu pay several Bedouin Cavalry to chase them. According Ibn Jubayr, an eyewitness, Remnant Of Crusaders executed at Mina, Near Of Mecca.

Because this, Portugueses Commanders, such as Alfonso de Alburqueque, has plan to occupied Medina and theves Tomb Of Rasulullah Shallahu Alaihi Wasallam and exchange it with Jerusalem, Islamic Holiest City at Palestine. Alfonso held alliance with Shah Ismail I, King Of Safavid Dynasty at Iran. But, at 920 H, Sultan Salim I Of Ottoman can defeat Safavid Army at Battle Of Chaldiran. His successor, Sulaiman Al-Qanuni, build fortress at Yemen s ports and also completed it with artillery gun for prevent Portuguese Navy landed at Arabia Peninsula.

But, Portuguese s plan to attack Mecca and Medina not disappear. At 1508 AD, Portuguese can occupied several ports at Oman and also Island Of Socotra at Yemen. We will discuss at next episode, how Sultanate Of Oman drive out Portuguese Colonization from Arabia, Africa, and India. Sultanate Of Oman s role to drive out Portuguese Colonization is one episode from Islamic History that infrequently discussed at Islamic History, but have important role at history. Goodbye at next article.

At-Turbani, Jihad: 100 Tokoh Islam Yang Mengubah Sejarah, Penerbit Aqwam, 2016 M.

Maksudoglu, Mehmet: The Untold History Of Ottoman: Menelusuri Sejarah Daulah Islamiyah Terbesar di Dunia dan Pemerintahannya, Pustaka Al-Kautsar, 2023 M.

Mann, John: Shalahuddin Al-Ayyubi: Legenda, Riwayat Hidup, dan Imperium Islam, Penerbit Alvabet, 2021 M.


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