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Baybars: Forgotten Mameluke General

Source: findagrave.

Maybe, we more familiar with Saladin as hero at the Crusade because his achievment re captured Jerusalem from Crusader at 1187 AD. We not familiar with Baybars. He is one of Mameluke General who defeat strongest army at the world at this time: Crusader at Palestine, Mongol at Anatolia, and also Assasin. Today, we will discuss about one best general at Islamic History. Ok, lets we discuss it. Read this article until end for get complete information about this topic.

According Historian Muhammad Rabie, Baybars originated from Tribes Of Kipchak at Blacksea, and he is slave  He born at 1223 AD and he entered Corps Of Mameluke ( Slave Warrior) that have a duty keep Sultan Of Ayyubid Dynasty, As-Shalih Najmuddin Ayyub. At 648 H, Last Ayyubid Sultan, Turan Shah, killed and Mameluke became ruler of Egypt, remnant of Ayyubid Dynasty center. First Sultan Of Mameluke Dynasty is Al-Izz Aybak.  At 655 H,  Al-Izz Aybak Killed. And, Mameluke Dynasty lead by Aybak s slaves, Sayf Addin Quthuz. At 658 H, Sayf Ad din Quthuz and Baybars lead Mameluke Army fight againt Mongols Army that plan to attack Egypt.  Mameluke Army attack Mongols Army at Ayn Jalut, Palestine and defeat them, at legendary Battle Of Ayn Jalut. Baybars use briliant tactic for destroy Mongols Army with hin and run tactic.

Baybars replaced Quthuz at 658 H, same year with Battle Of Ayn Jalut.  He build navy and strong army.  He also coronated New Caliph Of Abbasid, Al-Mustanshir, after Fall Of Baghdad 1258 AD, Capital Of Abbasid Dynasty at hand of Mongols. He re inaugurate Caliphate Of Abbasid at Egypt as Mameluke s vassal.  Baybars also build alliance with Muslim Mongol Ruler at East Europe, Berke to fight Hulagu, Leader Of Mongol at Persia who destroy Caliphate Of Abbasid. Hulagu replaced by his son, Abaqa that held alliance with Crusader at Palestine for faced Baybars. But, Baybars choose faced Crusader early before faced Mongols Army.

Baybars went with his army to captured Cities Of Palestine that occupied by Crusader.  At 1265 AD, Baybars occupied Caesarea and Arsuf and at 1266 AD, he captured City Of Safawi from Crusader Elite Army. Jaffa/ Tel Aviv can occupied by Baybars at 1268 AD . Fortress Of Shaqif Arnun submit after short siege. And, he can destroy Kingdom Of Antiokhia, one of important Crusader Kingdom at South Anatolia. 16.000 Crusaders die when Baybars occupied Antiokhia and Baybars can captured 100.000 Crusaders.  At 1271 AD, Fortress Of Akrad can captured from Crusader and Baybars also destroy Assasin s castles at Masyhad, Kadmus, and Khawabi because their alliance with Crusaders.  At 671 H, Abaqa Khan want attack Territories Of Sham by Eupharates River. Baybars and his army sail to River Of Eupharates and they can defeat Mongols Army.  At 674 H, Baybars Occupied  State Of Nubia at South Egypt.

Kingdom Of Armenia at Cilicia- South Anatolia- an Armenian Colony at Anatolia, disturb Mameluke Dynasty s economy. Hethum I, King Of Armenia block delivery of wood and steel to Egypt. Battle broke for several time beetwen Mameluke and Armenian Army. At 1275 AD, Mameluke Army launch ultimate expedition at Armenian Colony. Prime Port Of Armenian, Port Of Iyas destroyed, and also Palace Of Armenia. At 1277 AD, Baybars invaded Anatolia that ruled by Seljuq Rum Empire, but they are subordinate of Mongols Empire. At 16 April 1277 AD, Baybars defeat Mongols-Seljuq Army at Elbistan. Baybars also occupied Anatolia, and symbolically, Baybars coronated as Seljuq Sultan. But, he doesnt occupied Seljuq s territories for long time.

According Historian Ibn Wardi, Baybars also Obey Muslim. He pray for 5 times ontimes always and when he visit Mecca for Hajj, he handled hand of weak peoples for help them stand. Baybars die at 1277 AD, he is slave,  not nobleman, but he can became Muslim Leader who return Islam s glory after Mongol Invasion and Crusade. His story became example, everything can be hero with his skill, though he originated from lowest strate from society.

Refrences/ Historical Sources:
Thaqqus, DR.Muhammad Suhail: Bangkit Dan Runtuhnya Dinasti Mamluk Di Mesir Dan  Syam, Pustaka Al-Kautsar, 2018 M.

Imam Ibnu Katsir: Al Bidayah Wa An-Nihayah, Penerbit Insan Kamil, 2020 M.

Hamas, Edgar: Lost Islamic Victory: Menyingkap Sebab Kalah Mengulangi Kemenangan Bersejarah, Penerbit Gensa Berilmu, 2023 M.

Hitti, Philip.K: History Of The Arabs: Rujukan Induk dan Paling Otoritatif Tentang Sejarah Peradaban Islam, Penerbit Serambi, 2006 M.

Tim Riset dan Studi Islam Mesir: Ensiklopedi Sejarah Islam, Pustaka Al-Kautsar, 2019 M.

Baybars I | Mamlūk Sultan of Egypt & Syria, Conqueror of the Crusaders | Britannica, accesed 30 July 2024, 09: 46 PM.

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