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Murad II: The Success Father.


Source: Britannica.

Today, we will discuss about  an father who success educated next generation for realized Rasululllah Shallahu Alaihi Wasallam s propechy. The father is one from Ottoman Sultan , and he also hero at the battle. But, he doesnt forget educated success next generation, yes, he is Sultan Murad II. Lets read this article until end for get complete information.

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Sultan Murad II, ruled beetwen 1421-1451 AD as Ottoman Sultan. At this era, Byzantine Empire became problem for Ottoman Empire. Byzantine Crownprince, Ioannis, provocated Mustafa Celebi, an Ottoman Prince to coup Murad II. Byzantine Empire split Ottoman Empire to two part. Mustafa Celebi became Ottoman Sultan at Rumelia ( Now part from State Of Turkey at Europe) and Murad II became Sultan at Anatolia.

At 1422 AD, Sultan Murad II besieged Constantinople, Capital Of Byzantine Empire , but Emperor Of Byzantine, Manuel, provocated Mustafa and his gang to rebel. Murad II leave Constantinople and went to Anatolia, he kill Mustafa Celebi as punishment.

After this,Murad II also next conquest at Europe, because Ruler Of Wallachia, Vlad Dracul ( father fromVlad Dracula)attack Ottoman Territories at Danube.Murad II also fight againt Ghion Kastriot, Ruler Of Albania and Vlad Dracul s allies, he defeat Ghion and captured his son, George Kastriot, as hostage. Murad bring George to Edirne, when he convert to Islam and became Ottoman General with name Iskander Beg.

Murad II next conquest at Anatolia for clean this area from Mongols Allies, who can help Mongol Army when they attack Anatolia again after Battle Of Ankara at era of his grandfather, Bayezid I. For know about Battle Of Ankara, please read this article:
Battle Of Ankara 1402 : First Ruin Of Ottoman. - ACITYA HISTORY

Murad II fail to conquer Constantinople. He fail realised Rasulullah Shallahu Alaihi Wasallam s hadith that Constantiople will be conqered with best leader from Muslims. But, he never submit. He prepared his son, Mehmed II, or at future popular with name Muhammad Al-Fatih as Conqueror Of Constantinople. But, Mehmed II when he was child, is naughty children and his mother pampered it. Sultan Murad II call a big teacher, namely Shaykh Al-Qurani for educated Mehmed II. Sultan Murad II give stick to Shaykh Al-Qurani for hit Mehmet II if he make riot.

Under supervision of Shaykh Al-Qurani, Mehmed II grown up became special younger. He memorized Quran, can speak with many languages, and at young age, he is clever leader. Sultan Murad II train him with bring him to battle for learn how lead a army with good leadership.

At 1144 AD, Sultan Murad II defeat Crusader that consist of Army from Hungary, German, Bosnia, Bogdan, and Venetia at Battle Of Varna.Janos Hunyadi, Highest Commander from  Kingdom Of Hungary collect Crusader and attack Ottoman Sultanate, they broke covenant with Ottoman Sultanate, they utilize Sultan Murad II s policy who make his son, Mehmet II as Sultan, when Mehmet II was teenager. At this battle, Sultan Murad II defeat Crusader and kill Highest Commander Of Crusader, King Ladislas. Sultan Murad II , after this battle, back to Ottoman Throne, and at 1148 AD, Janos Hunyadi planned attack Ottoman Territories at Cosovo, Serbia, with army that consist of Polads, Wallachia, Chechs, and Bogdan Sultan Murad II defeat Hunyadi s army at Battle Of Kosovo 1148 AD. Murad II die at 1451 AD, and replaced by his son, Mehmed II. He die before seeing Constantinople fall to hand of Islam, but he was prepared his next generation for this great mission.

Maksudoglu, Prof.DR.Mehmet: The Untold History Of Ottoman: Menelusuri Daulah Islamiyah Terbesar di Dunia dan Pemerintahannya, Pustaka Al-Kautsar, 2023 M.

At-Turbani, Jihad: 100 Tokoh Islam Yang Mengubah Sejarah, Penerbit Aqwam, 2016 M.

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