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Jamaluddin Al-Afghani: Modern Islamic Reformist.


Source: Bakhtar News.

Today, i will discuss about one from Islamic Reformist. We will discuss Islamic World Situation at 20 TH Century and how reformist save Islamic World. Ok, please read this article until end and subscribe my blog for more information about Islamic History.

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Jamaluddin Al-Afghani/ Jamaluddin I Afghan born at 1836 AD, at City Of Asadabad.  He originated from royal family of Afghanistan. But, his family went from Afghanistan because problem with local ruler. His father named Sayid Shafar, one of descedant from Husain Ibn Ali, grandson of Rasulullah Shallahu Alaihi Wasallam. At Jamaluddin s era, Islamic World drawn into westernization, People from Europe can occupied many Islamic Territories and influence Muslim s lifestyle.

His family moved to Iran,when he grown up, he go to Mecca for hajj and visit India that under British Colonization. After this, he return to Afghanistan and he educated Crown Prince Of Afghanistan, Prince Azam for lead Afghanistan to modern era.  He educated Azam with plan of reformation, but Azam became King Of Afghanistan onlyfor little time. British help Azam s cousin to rebel him.

After this, he went to Anatolia that under Ottoman Empire. He deliver oration at University Of Constantinople, the containt from this oration is Muslim can be modern peoples without imitated Western Culture. Muslim can defend their character and studied modern knowledge, but at 1871 AD, Turkish Scholars drive out him for out from Turkey and he went to Egypt.

Egypt, at this era, lead by tyran dynasty. Jamaluddin criticize King Of Egypt who  permit corruption and push their people. Jamaluddin said Islamic Leader must life simplely and life beetwen their people, like early Islamic Leader. King Of Egypt fear with Jamaluddin s ideas and Jamaluddin evicted from Egypt at 1879 AD.Jamaluddin went to India and he evicted because British Goverment at India libelous him provocated rebellion. At 1882 AD, he went to Paris, France. At France, Jamaluddin with his student, Muhammad Abduh open mass media named Urwah Al-Wutsqa ( the strongest bon). Jamaluddin , at this mass media, discuss about problem beetwen Muslims and Western Country at this era. He also visit United States and United Kingdom, and also Uzbekistan that under power of Russian Empire. At Uzbekistan, he spread Al-Quran into Muslims People under Russian Empire and also translated several Islamic Literature at Central Asia.

At Iran, Jamaluddin called  boycott to tobacco because according his opinion, it is not sincron with Islamic Values. King Of Iran, Nasiruddin drive out Jamaluddin at 1891 AD. Jamaluddin moved to Istanbul, Capital Of Ottoman Empire.

 At Istanbul, Jamaluddin deliver a messages, Muslims must studied Western Knowledge and defend their culture. At 1895 AD, Jamaluddin die because mouth cancer.

This history, teach us for  brave became different with many people. We can became a different people according our passion, but still became great person. Became great person, not must follow what do by many people

Ansary, Tamim: Dari Puncak  Bagdad, Sejarah Dunia Versi Islam, Penerbit Serambi, 2017 M.

Noorthaibah: Pemikiran Pembaharuan Jamaluddin Al-Afghani: Studi Pemikiran Kalam Tentang Takdir, Jurnal Fenomena Vol.7, No.2, 2015 M.

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