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How Mustafa Kemal Change Turkish S Face?


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Today, we will discuss about one of important episode at Turkish History.This episode is seculerization that doing by Mustafa Kemal Ataturk. How Mustafa Kemal change Turkish s Face? At this episode, we will get the answer.

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For understand how Ottoman Turks fall from history, please open this article:
End Of Ottoman Empire: How Fall Of Ottoman Empire? - ACITYA HISTORY

At 1919 AD, Ottoman Empire lost all their territories except for Asia Minor and Constantinople/ Istanbul. Asia Minor occupied by Greeks Army and Istanbul occupied by British Army. One of Ottoman General, Mustafa Kemal, resisted Greeks and British Army from Ottoman Empire that was dying. Mushatafa Kemal, as one from Ottoman General, can defeat Armenian Army at Kaukasus, French Army at Cilicia, and Greek Army at West Anatolia. And, at 1923 AD, he established Republic Of Turkey, replaced Ottoman Empire. He established Secular State and reject shape of caliphate such as Ottoman Empire.  Mustafa Kemal, titled by Turkish

According Historian Tamim Ansary, Mustafa Kemal shift Islamic Scholars from Turkish Goverment. He open public room for women. And, he forbid polygamy and denounced Islamic Wedding Tradition. He also forbid Islamic Fashion, such as Hijab for women and also turban and peci for men. Mustafa Kemal also erased Islamic Schools and also command Al-Quran ( Islamic Holy Book) must readed by Turkish Language, not by Arabic Language as original language from Al-Quran. And, Ataturk also introduced dance as public entertaint, that conflicting with Islamic Traditions at this age.  Mustafa Kemal also forbid mosque as Islamic Prayer Place, except for Mosque Of Abu Ayyub Al-Anshari.  He also make Hagia Sophia Mosque, that established by Sultan Mehmet II when he conquer Constantinople at 1453 AD as museum.

At his goverment, broke several rebellion that provocated by Kurdish People , but Mustafa Kemal  can defeat them. Goverment Of Mustafa Kemal s age at Turkish is erotion for  Islamic Values  from Turkish Nations. At , this era so different with Ottoman Empire s era.

At era of Mustafa Kemal, Islam as ‘die’ at Turkish Nations. According Palestinian Historian Jihad Turbani, Mustafa Kemal also found army that dominated by  Secular Jews and use them for erase Islamic Values from Turkey. Mustafa Kemal also make alliance with State Of Israel that established at 1948 AD that under leadership of Prime Minister Ben Gurion, and also with Shia State Of Iran.

But, at 1950 AD, Islam at Turkish back by hand of Prime Minister Adnan Menderes. Adnan Menderes is Not Muslim, but he return adzan ( call for prayer) to Arabic Language and also build again Quranic Learning Center.

From this history, we can learn that Islam always find way for return. If you life at place that  Islam ‘hated’ at this place, dont worried, Allah will give you way for run his teaching.


At-Turbani, Jihad: 100 Tokoh Islam Yang Mengubah Sejarah, Penerbit Aqwam,2016 M.

Ansary, Tamim: Dari Puncak Bagdad Sejarah Dunia Versi Islam, Penerbit Serambi, 2017 M.

Rogan, Eugene: The Fall Of Khilafah: Perang Besar Yang Meruntuhkan Khilafah Utsmaniyah Dan Mengubah Selamanya Wajah Timur Tengah, Penerbit Serambi, 2017 M.

Dhiyaul Haq, Ahmad, dkk: Islam Sekuler Di Turki dan Pemikiran Kemal Ataturk, Jurnal Carita 1, Vol.2, Juli-Desember 2023 M.


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