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Ghulam Ashabul Ukhdud: Story Of Little Hero.

Source: Kaffah Official.

Maybe, we dont think, children can became hero. But, this story is proof, children can became hero. And, this story, written at Al-Quran, Holy Book Of Islam.  Why the children titled as hero? Lets read this article until end and subscribe my blog for more information about Islamic History.

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At Yemen, life a king who trust to blackmagic.  He is King Yusuf Asar or popular with title Dzun Nuwas,  who lead Kingdom Of Himyar. His religion is Judaism. He ruled beetwen 468-527 AD.  And, at Najran, one of Kingdom Of Himyar s province, life several Propeth Isa Alaihissalam s followers. They are Christians who follow Propeth Isa Alaihissalam s teaching. People Of Himyar  at Territories Of Najran, follow Propeth Isa s teaching because preaching from Theopilos, an bishop from India who spread Propeth Isa s teaching at South Arabia Peninsula.  King Yusuf, is arrogant king, he  confess himself is god. Before this , they pray to idol.

King Yusuf, has Witch who was old and he want search for new witch. King Yusuf take a children  from Najran ( that mentioned by Ghulam) for studied blackmagic to old witch. Old Witch teach him blackmagic, but Ghulam more love studied Propeth Isa  Alaihissalam s teaching from a Priest at Najran.

Ghulam can  heal sickman with knowledge that he studied it from Priest. He do it with Allah s permision. He can heal King Yusuf s friend who blind. King Yusuf call his friend and ask him how Ghulam heal him. King Yusuf s friend said: Ghulam heal him with permision from Allah and he believe to Allah. King Yusuf angry and he tortured his friend until die, and tried to kill Ghulam, but failed because Ghulam always at Allah Subhanahuwataala s protection.

King Yusuf tried to kill Ghulam with drown him or throw him from mountain, but Ghulam still alive, Ghulam said to King Yusuf, if he want kill him, he must take his bow and arrow and mention name of Allah before kill him. King Yusuf kill Ghulam with arrow after mention name of Allah. Ghulam die and many Civilian believe to Propeth Isa s teaching.

King Yusuf angry and he command to dig  fire ditch. He command people who believe with Propeth Isa s teaching to jump to fire ditch. Many people die at this event, this story  recorded at Quran Surah Al-Buruj : Verse 3-8.

This story give us a lesson: became hero not must with gun, sword, or other. But we can became hero with give good inspiration to other people.  Inspiration, can  make us as hero, tought children. Because this, be a good inspirator for people around us.


Ustadz. H.Abdul Aziz Rauf ( Konsultan): Al-Hufaz Al-Quran Hafalan Mudah, Penerbit Cordoba, 2021 M.

At-Turbani, Jihad: 100 Tokoh Islam Yang Mengubah Sejarah, Penerbit Aqwam, 2016 M.

Imam Ibnu Katsir: Al-Bidayah Wa an-Nihayah, Penerbit Insan Kamil, 2020 M.

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