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Islamic Music History: Respond Islamic Music Debate.

Source: Islamic Spain TV.

 Several times ago, an Indonesian Cleric explain Music History in Islam. And, several content creator and cleric debate him. Of course, we curious, how Music History in Islam? Ok, please read this article until end for get complete information about Islamic Music History. Because, this topic is rare discuss at Islamic History.

Before this, i will messages, this article dont discuss Islamic Clerics at Indonesia s debate around music at Fiqh. At this article, we will educate reader about how Music History at Islam. Not Islamic Cleric s debate about Fiqh around Music. If you disagree, please close this article. But, if you have open minded and will know this problem from historical viewpoint,  please read this article until end. Thank you.

Before Islam Age , song and poem was flow at Arabic Peninsula. Arabian know Qashidah ( poet with melody). And, from several popular Arabian Poet is Umruul Qays ( die 540 AD). Every years, Pre Islam Arabian  held Poem Festival at Market Of Okaz for their best  Poets.  According Historian Philip. K.Hitti, Poem, at Ancient Arab is expression from Arabian Culture.

Other Arabian Poet , who is  Adherent Of Propeth Ibrahim Alaihissalam s teaching is Zuhair Ibn Abi Sulma. He make a poem about Propeth Ibrahim Alaihissalam s teaching for worship Allah Subhanahuwataala.  When Rasulullah Shallahu Alaihi Wasallam preach at Arabia, several Arabian Poet who convert to Islam, included Hassan Ibn Tsabit, Abdullah Ibn Abu Rawahah, Kaab Ibn Malik and Kaab Ibn Zuhair ( son from Zuhair Ibn Abi Sulma)  make Islamic Poem  for  defend Rasulullah Shallahu Alaihi Wasallam from Pagan Quraish s mocked.

At era Of Umayyad Dynasty, influence from external Music entered Islamic Civilization. At era of Rasulullah Shallahu Alaihi Wasallam, this influence was exist by two Pre-Islamic Arab Kingdom: Kingdom Of Ghassan at Syria and Kingdom Of Lakhmi at Iraq.

At 684 AD, Abdullah Ibn Zubayr, Caliph Of Umayyad, bring several Persian Worker for renovated Kaba at Mecca. And, the Persian Worker bring Persian Musical Instrument to Mecca.

Also, appear Islamic Music Pioneer, Thuways ( life 632-710 AD). According Historian Philip.K.Hitti, he is first man who sing Arabic Song with tambur. Other Islamic Musician at Umayyad Era is Ibn Surayj, Said Ibn Misjah, and Gharid.

At Era Of Abbasid Dynasty, also appear Islamic Musician named Mukhariq ( die 845 AD) and his carier started when he walk at Tigris River and sing. People Of Baghdad City, Abbasid Capital, came to him for hear his sound.

Al-Kindi, one of Muslim Philosopher at Abbasid Dynasty, also write a book for explain notation at Music.

At era Of Ayyubid Dynasty, Muslims busy with war againt Crusader for captured back Palestine that invaded by Crusader. First Sultan Of Ayyubid Dynasty, Saladin, use music as  spirit power plant for his army. He founded military band. Military band use instrument such as trumpet and drum for power plant spirit from Muslims Army.

At Battle Againt Crusader at 1191 AD, Islamic Military Band do important role for became spirit powe plant. Ayyubid Army can occupied one from Crusader Important Warship. This tradition, also do by Kingdom Of Seljuq Rum at Anatolia. At 1288 AD, Sultan Of Seljuq Rum, Ghiyaseddin Mesud II, send a military band to Osman, Ottoman Dynasty Founder. This military band, became important part from Ottoman Army and called by Mehter.

Ok, it is that i get from several literature about Music History at Islamic Civilization. Important for know, different beetwen one opinion and one opinion is natural. And, important, we can respect different and dont force our opinion to other people.

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