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Answer Fake Claims: Islamic Goverment Is Intolerant Goverment? Historical Answer.


Source: Pinterest

Today, i will discuss about popular fake claims that throwed by Islamic Haters for persuated Muslims out from their religion. They take several part from Islamic History for proof that Islam is not tolerant if they became ruler for  Non Muslim.  Severe, this fake claims throwed by person who has title ‘scholars’. Please read this article, because i will give historical proof how Muslims Goverment run his goverment along history. This claim, important to answer it, because now, Islamophobia campaign is run.

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The claims, can you find at book that written by Christian Prince, titled: The Deception Of Allah, At this book, Christian Prince quote Pact Of Umar that is agreement beetwen Christian and Muslims at Syria. The pact contained several point: 1, Christian Civilian not build or renovated new curch, 2. Christian Civilian will serve Muslims who became guest at their house, 3. Christian Civilian will respect Muslim and not show their religion symbol 4. Christian Civilian will not imitated Muslim s style. 5. They dont rebel to Muslim Goverment.  Because this pacts contained many tight ruler, Christian Prince claims that Muslims is intolerant because oppresed other religion.

Christian Prince, unfortunately, doesnt studied who Christian at Syria? And how this condition before Muslim Conquer Syria? And, importantly, how can out The Pact Of Umar? Ok, we will discuss and explain it one by one.

Christian People at Syria, according notes Of Mar Gabien ( die 667 AD), one from Syrian Bishop at early Islamic Caliphate Era, said that before Muslims landed at Syria and conquer this place,  Syria inhabited by Christian from Sect Of Qartmin, different sect with Byzantine Empire that is Orthodox Christian. When Byzantine Empire lead this area, they oppresed Christian from Sect Of Qartmin. But, when Muslim at Syria ruled, they give freedom to Christian from Sect Of Qartmin at Syria for worship according their  faith.

And, Muslim Goverment Tolerance not only recorded at primary notes, but supported by archaeological invention from 7 TH Century, age of early Muslim Conquest that not exist damage to several church at Transjordan, near Syria, that occupied by Muslims.

An Christian Cleric, Johannes Bar Penkaye, who write at 650 AD, write , at Umayyad Caliphate, Muslims, Christian, Pagan, and Jews can life at harmony.

Now, we will answer, how appear Pact Of Umar? Is  Caliph Umar Ibn Khattab forced Christian People  for obey this? We must observe a begin part from Pact Of Umar. This pact write by Christian People Of Syria who they fear from Muslims Army who came to Syria. This is natural, because they, before it, life under oppresion by Byzantine Empire. But, exactly, Muslims Goverment threat them with good tolerance, like we see at several proof above.

Clearly, Christian Prince s claim that Islamic Goverment, including Caliph Umar s Goverment is Intolerant. He only cut several part that according his mind ‘approriate’ with his importance and use it for apostasy Muslims. It is unintelect method.

For Muslims, i not boring to advice you, dont lazy  for read Islamic History. Because, now Islamic Haters use Islamic History for apostasy Muslims with massive propagates. If you dont read, you cannot answer they propagate.  Please share this article to your friend or your beloved people if you feel this article give you benefit.


Cole, Juan: Muhammad Juru Damai Di Tengah Benturan Imperium Besar Dunia, Penerbit Alvabet, 2019 M.

Kennedy, Hugh: Penaklukkan Muslim Yang Mengubah Dunia, Penerbit Alvabet, 2019 M.

Prince, Christian: The Deception Of Allah: Allah Khairul Makirin, Volume 1 Bahasa Indonesia Lengkap dengan Quran dan Hadis, tanpa tahun dan penerbit


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