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The Origin From Kingdom Of Jordan: Born From Ottoman s Rebel?


Source: Open Street Map.

Kingdom Of Jordan, now,  is one important state at Arabia. Kingdom Of Jordan handle important position for keeper of Masjid Al-Aqsa at Jerusalem, One Of Islamic Main Site that became third holiest mosque after Mosque Of Nabawi, Medina  and Mosque Of Haram, Mecca. But, how Kingdom Of Jordan appear to history? Is Kingdom Of Jordania born from Ottoman Rebel and use hard situation at Ottoman Empire near Ottoman Empire s ruin? Read this article until end and subscribe my blog for more information about Islamic History.

At 20 TH Century, Ottoman Empire entered his old time and when his retrogression, this state must faced European Coalition at World War I. At this time, broke Arabian Revolution under Sharif Husayn- founder from Kingdom Of Jordan.  Sharif Husayn born at 1853 AD. Sharif Husayn originated from Family Of Hashimite ( Propeth Muhammad Shallahu Alaihi Wasallam s family). Sharif Husayn became Leader Of Mecca under Ottoman Dynasty. And he has ambition founded Kingdom Of Arab that stretches from Mesopotamia to Sea Of Arab and he ask help to British Empire, one of Ottoman Empire s enemy to realize his ambition.

British Empire send an intelegent for help him, namely Thomas Edward  Lawrence who fluent at Arabic and can masquerade in Arabian Fashion. He also called Lawrence Of Arabia.  According Historian Afkar Aristotoles, this factor from this rebellion is tax withdrawal that doing by Ottoman Empire to Hijaz, that ruled by Hashimite Family.  Husayn do rebellion with supported from Arabia Tribes and Kingdom Of British.

 Sharif Husayn s army do several raids at Arabia and Mecca can occupied by Arabian Tribes Army that lead by Sharif Husayn.  Arabian Army can occupied Mecca, Taif, Jeddah, Rabigh, and Yanbu at Red Sea. According deal with British Army, British Army will back Arabian Rebellion with his navy, and Arabian Rebellion Army will attack Ottoman Empire s territories by terrain way. Ottoman Empire cannot captured back Mecca and Medina from Arab Rebellion Army.

At 1917 AD, Ottoman Army fight gaint British Army at battle series at Gaza, Palestine. And, Faisal, son of Sharif Husayn with Lawrence Of Arabia attack Train Rail at Hijaz. Lawrence and Husayn disturb way of train at Arabia . And, at 9 Desember 1917 AD, British Army under General Allenby can entered Jerusalem, holiest city for Muslims at Palestine.

British and France , split Territories Of Arabia at  Covenant Of Sykes-Picot. They set Sharif Husayn as Ruler Of Hijaz under British superiority.

When British Army retreat from Transjordan. Arab Rebellion Army launched invasion to Jordania and can occupied City Of Maan under Commander Of Faishal. But, they can defeated by Ottoman Army.

1924 AD, became last years of Sharif Husayn s Goverment at Hijaz. Sharif Husayn defeated againt Clan Of Saudi and Clan Of Saudi can occupied Mecca. Husayn, at 1926 AD, expelled by British Empire for Middle East. He refugee to Cyprus and at 1930 AD, he stay at Amman, Jordania and British Empire coronate him as King Of  East Jordania. He die at 1931 AD.

Ok, it is concise history about origin from  Kingdom Of Jordan that abstracted from several sources. Insha Allah, at near time, we will open new website. What is content from new website? Wait, but important we will serve new content, and of course, interest.

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