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Abdul Qadir Al-Jazairi: Muslim Leader Who Protect Christian Civilian At Conflict.

Source: RadioUnisia.

Today, i will discuss one of Muslim Hero from Algeria. He is hero at the battle, but he is tolerant leader who protect Christian Civilian from Conflict at Syria. At this article, we will discuss about colonization at Algeria. Ok , lets read this article until end for get complete information and lets search it. How Invaders can entered Algeria?

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Algeria, under Ottoman Caliphate, became one of Islamic Civilization Center. And, also became Basic Of Ottoman Navy. Wilhem Himbra, an Germany Tourist visit Algeria at 1831 AD and he said at Algeria not enough Arabian who cannot write and read, while at Europe many people cannot write and read.

At 18 TH Century, American Ships must pay tax to Ottoman Authority at Algeria. George Washington, First President Of America, pay 642.000 dollar to Ottoman Authority at Algeria.

At 1830 AD, France Army attack Algiers, Capital City Of Algeria, because debt dispute. State Of France cannot pay debt to Ottoman Authority at Algeria. France Army with 37.000 soldiers attack Algeria and entered City Of Algier. France Army do genocyde at Algeria. They destroy many mosque at Algeria and burn many civilian at Algeria s villages. They also burn children and also women.

Several Islamic Groups at Algeria, choose Muhiddin as Commander for resisted France. But, Muhidin rejected it, because he was oldman. They choose his son, Abdul Qadir.

Abdul Qadir is one Sharif ( Rasulullah Shallahu Alaihi Wassalam ) at Algeria. Abdul Qadir and his army use guerilla strategy. They do suddenly attack to French Illegal Settlement at Algeria and French Army. Abdul Qadir has 8000 infantry, 2000 cavalry, and 240 artillerymen with 20 cannon. Abdul Qadir also build several fortress at Algeria. France General Bugeaud, do second genocyde with kill many Algerian People: Men, women, and also they burn Algerian s farm. People Of Algeria slam Abdul Qadir because Abdul Qadir s resistence to France Colonialist and Abdul Qadir  moved his people to his secret camp, Zimala, that special is Abdul Qadir s weaponwarehouse At 1843 AD, France Army attack Abdul Qadir s camp and slaughtered many Algerian People. Abdu Qadir and his soldier run to Morocco and attack France Army from his basic at Morocco for 4 years. At 1844 AD, France cooperate with Ruler Of Morocco, Moulay Abdurrahman for drive out Abdul Qadir. And, at 1847 AD, Abdul Qadir defeated and he submit to France. He  brought to France and became hostage. At 1852 AD, France Emperor , Louis Napoleon, liberate Abdul Qadir and bring him to Damascus, Syria.

At Syria, Abdul Qadir dedicated himself for Islamic Knowledge. At 1860 AD, happened conflict beetwen Muslim and Christian at Syria. Abdul Qadir exactly protect Christian at his house. Though at his land, France Colonialist are Christian, and they oppress Muslims. But, Abdul Qadir protect Christian at his house.

At 1983 AD, Abdul Qadir die at Damascus. But, his service still became memory until now. He protect oppresed people without seing religion differents. We also must help people that different with us without seeing his religion, ethnichs, and other.  We , as Muslim, must help people who suffered.

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