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Abdurrahman As-Samith: Forgotten Preacher.


Source: Mepanews.

Maybe, we dont hear this name. But, he has big service to Islam. He is forgotten preacher who preach Islam at Africa when Muslims at Africa suffered hard age at history. He can repair Islamic Education at Africa when Islamic Education at Africa suffered stagnation, until Imam ( Prayer Leader) at Africa cannot recite Al-Fatihah ( Prayer mandatory recite for Muslims). Ok, please read this article until end and subscribe my blog for more information about Islamic History.

At Colonization Era, European colonized Africa and make his people as slaves. They enslaved many African and tortured them when slavery process.  According Egypt Islamic History Research Team, 80.000.000 African die because slavery. European also bring his people to Africa and colonized this land. Example, at 1788 AD, British Army burn City Of Guinea, and bring his regent, Abdurrahman Ibrahim Ibn Suri as slave. According Historian Jihad Turbani,  European bring many Muslim Slaves from Africa to England and United States Of America.

Because European Colonization, Islam at Africa fade. But, born Muslim Rescue at State Of Kuwait. He is Abdurrahman As-Samith. Abdurrahman born at Kuwait  at 1947 AD. He pray at Mosque from his childhood. He also love story of Propeth Muhammad Shallahu Alaihi Wasallam, story of shahaba and Islamic Scholars. Abdurrahman, at his young age, studied at Tsanawiyah ( one of level from Islamic School). He is care to poor people at Kuwait. One day, he see several poor worker at Kuwait who wait public transportation under hotsun. Abdurrahman and his friend collect money and buy old car for poor worker.

Abdurrahman studied medicine at University at Iraq, Cannada, and England. He married with Ummu Suhaib Nuriyah. Ummu Suhaib advice to Abdurrahman for leave Kuwait to preach at East Asia. But Wife Of Kuwait s leader ask Abdurrahman and his wife went to Africa for repair Islamic Education there.

At this time,  Muslim Education at Africa suffered retrogression. Many Imam at Malawi cannot read Al-Fatihah and many people of Africa cannot take ablution / Wudhu ( Islamic Ritual clean several part of body before pray). Abdurrahan and his wife stay at one of village at Madagaskar, Africa. He stay at Village Of Manakaro. Abdurrahman  preach African and move from one land to other land at Africa for edcuate his people.  He also educated several youngers for preach at Africa. He also founded Islamic University at Kenya, Africa. Abdurrahman die at 2013 AD, because disease and disabled healthy facility at Africa. His die started by heart disease, he obnamed at Hospital Of Mubarak Al-Kabir, Kuwait. When he was sick, Muslims at Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and Palestine pray for him. But, Allah s destiny say other: He die at 15 August 2013 AD because his disease. May Allah bless him.

From this story, we can learn. Became preacher dont must at mosque, we can be a preacher with our passion. And, Islamic Education is important point for Muslim Society. If we work at Islamic Education, we must thank to Allah can work at this noble part.And of course, use it for repair Islamic Education.

At-Turbani, Jihad: 100 Tokoh Islam Yang Mengubah Sejarah,Penerbit Aqwam, 2016 M.

Tim Riset dan Studi Islam Mesir: Ensiklopedi Sejarah Islam Dari Masa Kenabian, Daulah Mamluk, Imperium Mongol Muslim, Negara Utsmani, Muslim Asia Tenggara, Muslim Afrika, Pustaka Al-Kautsar, 2019 M.

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