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Abdullah Ibn Masud: First Qari.

Source: Mengajionline

Qari, usually is name for Muslims who expert at Quran reading and he has beautiful sound. Today, i will discuss about one Qari at age of Rasulullah Shallahu Alaihi Wasallam. Rasulullah Shallahu Alaihi Wasallam praise his recite as example recite. Ok, please read this article until end and subscribe my blog for more information about Islamic History.

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Abdullah Ibn Masud, originally is goats  sheperd at Mecca. He born at 596 AD, at Mecca. One day , when Abdullah work, came two man who ask goatmilk to Abdullah Ibn Masud. Abdullah said his goats not his own. He only keep his boss s goats. One from them said: “show to us goat that not yet milked”.

Abdullah show one little goat to this man. This man said name of Allah and milk out from this goat.  Abdullah ask this man from teach him. Yes, the man is Rasulullah Shallahu Alaihi Wasallam and his partner is Abu Bakar As-Shidiq. They run from tortured that doing by Pagan Quraish.

Abdullah convert to Islam and he studied at house of Rasulullah Shallahu Alaihi Wasallam. He also became assistant of Rasulullah Shallahu Alaihi Wasallam. At house of Rasulullah Shallahu Alaihi Wasallam, he studied Al-Quran ( Islamic Holy Book) and his interpretation.

One day, Rasulullah Shallahu Alaihi Wasallam ask his shahaba to read Quran in front of Masjidil Haram, Mecca. Abdullah went to Masjidil Haram for read Quran. He read QS.Ar-Rahman: 1-4,  The Pagan Quraish at this place angry and they hit Abdullah until he injured.

When age of Umar Ibn Khattab s Goverment, Umar test Abdullah Ibn Masud s knowledge about Quran. He ask Abdullah Ibn Masud about greatest Quran Verses, Abdullah read QS.Al-Baqarah:255. Umar Ibn Khattab ask verses about wisdom, Abdullah read  QS.An-Nahl: 90.  Umar ask several Thematic Quran Verses to Abdullah Ibn Masud. Abdullah can answer it with true answer.

At era of Uthman Ibn Affan s goverment, Abdullah became one of states officer that manage goverment. He also die at era of Uthman Ibn Affan. He die because sick, Caliph Uthman visit him at his house and it is interest story at his die.

Uthman Ibn Affan ask Abdullah what he fear at his die? Abdullah answer he fear to his mistakes. Uthman also offer Abdullah his salary to his child, but Abdullah reject it, why?Abdullah said he was command to his daughters and his sons to read Quran Surah Al-Waqiah every night, because according Rasulullah Shallahu Alaihi Wasallam hadith, people that read Surah Al-Waqiah at the night secure poverty. At the night, Abdullah Ibn Masud die when he read Quran.

We can learn from Abdullah s attitude before his die, he not fear his childs became poormen, but he fear his childs dont read Quran after his die. We as Muslim, must familiarize our family with Reading Quran and repair our worship to Allah. Because, it is investation for our  afterlife.

Basya, DR.Abdurrahman Rafat: Sirah Sahabat Kisah Indah dan Sejarah Gemilang Generasi Terbaik Umat Ini, Pustaka Al-Haura, 2012 M.

Abdullah Bin Mas'ud: Biodata dan Kisah Hidupnya - Aku Muslim, acceses 24 July 2024, 08: 36 PM.

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