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Why Sultan Bayezid I Failed Annexed Constantinople? Historical Analyzer About Era Of Sultan Bayezid I.

Source: Worldhistory.

Sultan Bayezid I , is one from Ottoman biggest Sultan who defeat Crusaders at  Battle at Nicopolis and united Anatolia for Ottoman Empire. But, why he fail conquer Constantinople? At this article, we will break down about Sultan Bayezid II s age and why he fail conquer Constantinople. Please subscribe my blog for more information about Islamic History, and we will open official website with official domain, you can access premium content with credible platform.

Sultan Bayezid I, ruled 1389-1402 AD, and he is son fom Sultan Murad I.  After death of Sultan Murad I at Battle Of Cosovo ( 1389 AD), Bayezid replace his father to became Ottoman Sultan. He married Olivera Despina, daughter from King Of Serbia, Lazar.

Kingdom Of Serbia submissive to Ottoman Empire. Ottoman Empire invaded several territories at Danube River and Wallachia ( South Romania).

Several dynasty leader at Anatolia such as leader from Emirat Of Aydin, Emirate Of Menteshe, and other emirate united to confront Bayezid. But, Bayezid can annexed Emirate Of Saruhan at 1390 AD and also Emirate Of Menteshe. Several Anatolian leader submissive to Ottoman Dynasty.

Bayezid conquer Fortress Of Philadelphia from Byzantine Empire. Byzantine Empire, with Constantinople as capital, lead by Emperor Manuel II. Bayezid  besieged Constantinople.  Emperor Manuel II ask helped to Europe. King Of Hungary, Szigismund moved to Bulgary for attack Bayezid s position, and Bayezid held covenant with Emperor Manuel II.

Emperor Manuel II, must build Muslim s settlement at Constantinople. And, Emperor Manuel II must build mosque at Constantinople. And, Manuel II must pay tribute to Ottoman Empire.  Bayezid also defeat Hungarian Army at Battle Of Nagy Olosz at 1391 AD. Several territories at Greek and Yenisehir occupied by Bayezid.

At 1396 AD, Bayezid faced Crusader Alliance Of Europe at Battle Of Nicopolis. Pope Bonifacius IX, because Emperor Manuel II ask his help for attack Ottoman Empire,  proclaimed Crusade and collect  European Alliance Army, consist of Hungary, France, German, Dutch, British, Scotlandian, and Crusader from Knight Of ST.John at Island Of Rhodes.  Crusader alliance lead by King Szigismund.

Crusader Alliance consist of 200.000 army. They besieged Ottoman Castle at Nicopolis. Ottoman Army under Bayezid I, that consist of Anatolian Army. According Historian Mark Cartwright, Ottoman Army consist of 100,000 over warrios. Two side meet at Nicopolis. Battle broke started by raid by France Cavalry to Ottoman Army. And, Ottoman Army do  trap startegy for them and destroy France Cavalry, Szigismund tried save his army, but Crusader Alliance defeated and Szigismund escape from the battle.

After this battle, Bayezid besieged Constantinople until this city submit. But, Bayezid doesnt occupied Constantinople. He move to Anatolia for destroy remnant of Seljuq Empire at Karaman that want destroy Ottoman Dynasty. Bayezid attack Karaman Territories.

But, Tamerlane, an Mongol Emperor  who founded Timurid Dynasty also expand his territories to Anatolia, and at 1402 AD, he defeat Bayezid and Ottoman Army at Battle Of Ankara. Bayezid prisoned by Tamerlane and he die at Aqshehir. For Battle Of Ankara, you can open this link:
Battle Of Ankara 1402 : First Ruin Of Ottoman. - ACITYA HISTORY

Ok, we will analyze why Bayezid fail, ruled Constantinople, according my analyze , if seeing a number of proof above, Bayezid failed not because his army is weak, but he doesnt take ultimate step to conquer Constantinople. And, second, Tamerlane s invasion make him failed to conquer Constantinople. For know who s Tamerlane, you can open this link:
Tamerlane: Last Mongol Emperor - ACITYA HISTORY

Ok, it is my article today, subscribe my blog for more information about Islamic History.


Maksudoglu, Prof.DR.Mehmet: The Untold History Of Ottoman: Menelusuri Daulah Islamiyah Terbesar di Dunia dan Pemerintahannya, Pustaka Al-Kautsar, 2023 M.

Battle of Nicopolis Timeline - World History Encyclopedia, accesed 22 June 2024, 14: 55 PM.


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