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Why Abbasid Dynasty Split? Historical Analyze.


At Islamic History Study, we know that Abbasid Dynasty split after his golden age. Appear many dynasty around Abbasid Dynasty. There is Turkish Dynasty, Arab Dynasty, and other dynasty. Why Abbasid split into many dynasty? Read this article until end and subscribe my blog for more information about Islamic History.  

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Abbasid Dynasty , recruit many Turkish Slaves from Central Asia. Abbasid Caliphates buy them from slaves s market at boundaries. And, they use it as caliph guardian.  Caliph Al-Mutashim, recruit many guardian from Turkish Slaves. Al-Mutashim ruled 833-842 AD.  Abbasid Caliphate recruit many Turkish Guardian,  because their power and their brave. Turkish Guardians, succeded control Abbasid Caliphate and they make chaos at Abbasid Caliphate s goverment, and it is from early factor from Abbasid Caliphate s ruin.

First dynasty that established near Baghdad, is Thahir dynasty, that founded by Thahir Ibn Husayn, an Abbasid General.  At 867-908 AD, established Safarid Dynasty at Sijjistan and at 874-999 AD, established Samanid Dynasty, that originated from Persian Nation.

At Afghanistan, established Dynasty Of Ghaznavid. Ghaznavid Dynasty established by Subuktigin, son in law from Alp Tigin, one from Samanid Dynasty.  Most popular king from Ghaznavid Dynasty is Mahmud Ghaznavi ( ruled 999-1030 AD). He conquer several territories at India.

At 945 AD, established Buwaihid Dynasty that succeded occupied Abbasid Dynasty, Buwaihid Dynasty , is shadow dynasty that controlled Abbasid Caliphate.  At era of Caliph Al-Qaim, Abbasid Dynasty controlled by Turkish Dynasty, Seljuq after Seljuq defeat Buwaihid and Ghaznavid Dynasty.

Now, let we analyze, why Abbasid Dynasty splin and Abbasid Dynasty is superpower state at this era.  We will analyze Abbasid Dynasty s ruin factor.  Lets we analyze one by one :

First, Abbasid s leader s weakness after Harun Al Rashid s era.  Several caliph after Al-Rashid s era, such as Al-Mustain ( ruled 862-866 AD) is weak perso, until at this age, broke rebellion from Zanj ( African Slaves), they are terrorist and Khawarij ( Islamic Radical Sect) and he cannot handled it. It is proof from his weakness.

Second, Abbasid Dynasty is heterogent dynasty, as we discuss above, Dynasty Abbasid recruit Turkish as warrior for protect Arabian Ruler. It is mark from Abbasid Dynasty s heterogenity. And, according Historian Edgar Hamas,  Turkish at this era has hard character, because they are nomad. According description of Ibn Khaldun at his book, Mukaddimah .that nomad are barbaric and wild groups that have hight  fanatism. According my opinion, this fanatism maybe push him to separate their self from Abbasid Dynasty.

Third, Abbasid Dynaty too  rely on mercenaries from Turkish Slaves. It is example weakness of Abbasid s caliphates at last Abbasid Era.

Ok, it is my article today, dont forget, at this year, we will released our first book. Support us by subscribe, like, and comment at this blog.

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