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Ibnu Rushd: Spanish Islamic Philosopher.

Source: Republika.

Today, we will discuss about Ibnu Rushd, an Spanish Islamic Philosopher. He is one popular philosopher at Islamic World. His idea, became one of branch of main philosophy at Europe at this time. We will discuss his role to became philosopher when Islamic World fall into chaotic situation. Ok, please read this article until end and subscribe my blog for more information about Islamic History.

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Ibnu Rushd has original name Muhammad Ibn Abu Qasim Ahmad and he born at 520 H. Under supervisor his father, he can memorized Book Of Muwattha and he studied to Abu Marwan Ibn Musharah . Ibn Rushd is expert at Fiqh. He also studied medicine to Abu Marwan Ibn Hazbul.  According Historian Imam Dhahabi, Ibnu Rushd write 33 books and 100.000 articles.  His book are Bidayah Mujtahid at Fiqh and Kulliyat at medicine. He became great judge at City Of Cordoba, Spain, when Muslims still ruled this territories.

Ibnu Rushd persuate Muslims to studied philosopy. According his mindset, Muslim must studied philosophy because several Quranic Verses command Muslims to think about animal, earth, and sky. According Ibnu Rushd, human must studied demonstrative reasoning, dialectics, and retorics for studied philosophy.  He write it at his book, Kitab Fashl Al-Maqal Wa Taqrir Ma Bayn Al-Syaria Wa al-Hikmah min Al-Ittishal. He alspo criticize Al-Ghazali at his book, Tahafut al tahafut because Al-Ghazali s mindset that god manage his creature like a cruel king.

At his carrier, Ibnu Rushd support by Muslim Ruler Of Spain, Yaqub Al-Manshur ( ruled 1184-1199 AD). Yaqub is ruler from Dynasty Of Muwahhiddun (Al-Mohads). At era of Yaqub Al-Manshur, Al Mohad Dynasty achieve his golden age.  At 591 H, Yaqub can defeat European Coalition under King Alfonso VII from Kingdom Of Castille who attack Muslim Territories at Spain.

Ibnu Rushd also has service resume book of al-Hayawan ( about science) to Sultan Yaqub Al-Manshur. People slam Ibnu Rushd crimping Allah Subhanahuwataala, because at this book, exist chapter about philosopher s before him s mindset that Venus is god.  Sultan Yaqub Al-Manshur drive out Ibnu Rushd. But, after this,  Sultan Yaqub realise his mistake. He call Ibnu Rushd for back held good relation. Ibn Rushd go to Sultan Yaqub s palace at Marrakesh, Morocco. But, Ibn Rushd die at Marrakesh.

Ibn Rushd s s era is Islamic Chaotic Era. According Historian Ahmet Kuru, at this era, knowledge not interest at Muslims Society. At this era, Muslims Scholar s books about knowledge such as Mukaddimah by Ibn Khaldun and Rihlah Ibnu Batuttah by Ibnu Batuttah leaved because after Crusade and Mongols Invasion, knowledge started leaved step by step.

From this history, we can studied, knowledge is expensive and have high score at human life. And, we must love knowledge, according our skill. And productive at knowledge, though location that we stay at this dont support us.


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