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Typs And Trick To Do Research At Historical Sites.

Source: Immagineplace.

Visiting historical sites, is one method for studying history with fun. You can do it for studied about archaeology and human civilization at the past. Ok, it is tricks to go to historical sites for research. Please subscribe my blog for more information about Islamic History.

First,  you must studied about site that you will visited it from books, internet, or journals. If you dont have acces to book, try to search several journal at internets about this archaeological sites. You can read it as information about site that you visited.

Second, search historical sites near your home. If you stay at East Java, you can visited several sites about Majapahit Empire. Example several temples, and if you stay at Surakarta or Yogyakarta, you can visited several archaeological sites from Islamic Kingdom Of Mataram.  Such as palace of Surakarta and Yogyakarta.

Third, better, you  go to the sites at the holiday. If you student or workers, maybe you cannot visited it at school/ work day. Search holiday time for visited historical sites. Example, you  visited it at Saturday or Sunday.

Fourth, if you was  arrive at this sites. Try to round a sites and make a notes several important information from this sites. You can ask to the sites guard, or read at information board at the sites.

Fifth, if you visit museum, try to  observe all of archaeological heritages at museum. Make a notes about archaeological heritages collection at this museum.

Sixth, if you write a diary, write your experience visited museum in a story. How you go to museum/sites, and what s archaeological collections at museum. Or, if you have instagram/ facebook, twitter, or other social media, you can post about your experience visited this museum and short information about this museum/sites.

And, last, happy visiting and study new information about history from historical sites.

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