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Answer Fake Claim: Original Mecca Located On Petra.

Source: Tanparagi Channel.

I hear some Non Muslim People make a youtube content for spread  doubt in Muslims Society: Original Mecca located on Petra, not in Saudi Arabia. Mecca at Saudi Arabia, is false Mecca that founded by Ibn Az-Zubayr, because Original Mecca at Petra destroyed by Umayyad Dynasty.

It is fake claim and  ahistoric claims. Claims that Mecca and Petra is same location, only build above estimated without strong sources. Ok. Lets read this article until end , and subscribe my blog for more information about Islamic History.

First, i will discuss different about Mecca and Petra according classic. sources. We must know early history from  Mecca and Petra for  denied this claim.

Notes about Petra, recorded by Diodorus Siculus, who die at 95 BC. Petra, is center of Nabatean People. And, this kingom can defeat Antigonus, King Of Syria, who invaded Petra. Antigonus is one from Alexander The Great s sucessor. Kingdom Of Petra, achieve his golden age , when under Roman Controlls, it is Roman  s vassal kingdom at Arabia. But, at 105 AD, Petra collapesed because Romans attack under Emperor Trajanus.  After this, Petra s history stopped forever.

And, Mecca , was exist at ancient notes. At notes of Ptolemaus, who live at 90-168 AD, Mecca was exist at Ptolemaus s notes. And Ptolemaus write it as Macoraba, that at Saba Language ( one of ancient language at Arab Peninsula) the mean is holy place.  It is, sincron with Islamic Traditions, that  believes, Mecca was became holy place from old time, because at this place, Propeth Ibrahim and his son, Propeth Ismail, build Kabah as Islamic Holy Building.

Petra, geographically, located on Transjordan, and Mecca, according Ptolemaus s notes, located on Tihamah, South Hijaz. It is can show, this two place , is different place.

And, we will discuss about several historian s theory that Ibn Zubair moved Islamic Qibla from Petra as original Mecca to Hijaz, and at this place, he build New Mecca. Unfortunately, this claim is very weak.  At Islamic Historical Account such as Al-Bidayah Wa an-Nihayah that written by Imam Ibn Kathir., telled battle beetwen Hajjaj Ibn Yusuf, Umayyad Commander and Abdullah Ibn Zubayr, that located at Mecca.  And, Kabah little  broken because this attack, but, dont telled Ibn Zubayr moved Islamic Qibla.

According this proof, theory Original Mecca located in Petra is only estimated and cannot  proven academically. Ok, it is my article today and share this article if you feel it is give you benefit.

Tim Riset dan Studi Islam Mesir: Ensiklopedi Sejarah Islam, Pustaka Al-Kautsar, 2019 M.

Hitti, Philip.K: History Of The Arabs: Rujukan Induk dan Paling Otoritatif Tentang Sejarah Peradaban Islam, Penerbit Serambi, 2006 M.

Imam Ibnu Katsir: Al-Bidayah Wa an-Nihayah, Penerbit Insan Kamil, 2018 M.

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