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Spanish s Muslim Rebellion: Rebellion Of Alpujarras.

Source: La Progres.

After ruin of Islamic Kingdom at Spain. Broke several rebellions from Muslim at Spains ( Moriscos), because Kingdom Of Spain oppresed Muslims Civilians after ruin of Granada 1492 AD, last Islamic Kingdom At Spain. At this article, we will discuss about Muslim s rebellion at Spain after ruin of Granada, and we will search, the factor from rebellion and how Christian Kingdom Of Spain oppresed Muslim Civilians after Consquest Of Granada 1492 AD.

At 1492 AD, Spanish Kingdom Of Castille conquer Kingdom Of Granada under their king, Ferdinand. Last King Of Granada, Abu Abdullah submit to Spain Army and King Ferdinand. King Ferdinand promise Muslim free to run their religion. Abu Abdullah leave Granada. But, Ferdinand broke this treatment. He forced Muslims to convert to Christian, and at 1499 AD, an cardinal, Ximenes, burn Islamic Books at Granada.  At 1501 AD, King Ferdinand command all of Muslims at Kingdom Of Castille s territories must be a Christians.

Kingdom Of Spain forced Muslims to became Christians, and if they rejected it, they will kill everyone who still at Islamic Religion. Muslims Civilian tortured at the jails. Spanish s priest, Pelida, command to beheaded Muslims who rejected to became Christians. And, they tortured without clothes.

At 1487  AD, Ottoman Sultan, Sultan Bayezid Veli, son from Sultan Muhammad Al-Fatih, conqueror of Constantinople, send military expedition to save Muslims at Spain. But the expedition was arrive at Spain at 1492 AD,  when Kingdom Of Granada was falled. They can save several refugees. This expedition lead by Kemal Reis.  At 1501 AD, Kemal Reis also conquer Islands of Balearic, Sardinia, and Pianosa.

Muslims at Andalusia, next saved by two Khairuddin Barbarossa. He is one of Ottoman Admiral. He can save 70.000 Spain Muslims Refugees  to Algeria.

At end of 16 TH Century, Muslims at Spain united under an Umayyad s descedants, Fernando De Cordoba. He is one of Spanish Muslims who is descedant from Umayyad Dynasty. According Historian Jihad At-Turbani, he originated from descedants of Quraish, tribe of Rasulullah Shallahu Alaihi Wasallam.

Militia from Muslim Civilians do resistance to Kingdom Of Spain. They captured City Of Almeria and Malaga from Kingdom Of Spain.  This rebellion named by Rebellion Of Alpujarras ( Mountain Of Human).King Of Spain, Philip II, ask help to Kingdom Of Austria to destroy this rebellion. Kilic Ali, one of Ottoman Admiral help this rebellion with 74.000 warriors and 1400 warships. But, Caliph Salim II from Ottoman Empire give command to Kilij Ali for leave Spain and joined Battle Of Lepanto.

Austrian Army can kill Muhammad Ibn Umayya, with his murdered, ended Muslim Rebellion at Spain. And, Islam at Spain disappeared for old times.

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At-Turbani, Jihad: 100 Tokoh Islam Yang Mengubah Sejarah, Penerbit Aqwam, 2016 M.

Hitti, Philip.K: History Of The Arabs: Rujukan Induk dan Paling Otoritatif Tentang Sejarah Peradaban Islam, Penerbit Serambi, 2006 M.

Maksudoglu, Prof.DR.Mehmet: The Untold History Of Ottoman Menelusuri Daulah Islamiyah Terbesar di Dunia dan Pemerintahannya, Pustaka Al-Kautsar, 2023 M.



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