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Not Popular As Southeast Asia History: Philipphines Is Muslim Sultanate?

Source: IGTV90.

Maybe at  Islamic History At Southeast Asia, we more familiar with Kingdom Of Aceh who became prime power at Malacca Strait. Or Kingdom Of Mataram that tried liberate Batavia from Dutch Invaders. But, Philippines, at past, also have Islamic Civilization.  How this history? Read this article until end and subscribe my blog for more information about Islamic History.

At 3 TH Century Of Hijriyya, several Muslim Preachers arrived at Philippines. Filiphino convert to Islam. One of Muslim Preacher at Philippines is Sharif Kabungsuwan. He preach Islam at Island Of Mindanao and Islands Of Sulu. And other preacher is Shayikh Karim Makhdum. He preach Islam at Islands Of Sulu, Philippines.  Muslims can established several kingdoms at Philippines. Several Muslim Kingdoms at Philippines are Kingdom Of Sulu and Kingdom Of Manila. Majority of Filipino are paganist and they pray to idols. But, they life peaceful with Muslims.

Karim Makhdum,arrive at Philippines at 14 TH Century. He is recorded at one of Philippines s manuscript, Salasilah Sulu. He found mosque at Tubig Indangan.  At 15 TH Century, arrive Raja Baguinda, one of preacher from West Sumatra. He  preach Islam at Buansa and married daughter from Leader Of Buansa.

Archaeological proof from Islamic Preaching at Philippines, is one  gravestone with Islamic Name, Miqbal, from 1310 AD, at Badatto, Island Of Sulu. At 1380 AD, many Muslims Preacher from China, Sumatra, and Arab who preach Islam peaceful.

At 1519 AD, , An Portuguese Pastor, Fernando De Magelhaens, held treatment with King Of Spain for attack Islamic State from east. King Of Spain give him army. And, at 1521 AD, Spanish Army under Magelhaens arrived at Philippines. They rob Filiphinos and kidnapped Filiphinos Womens. Spanish Army also burn civilian s houses at Philippines. Filipinos, Muslim or Non Muslims, escaped to one of kingdom at Philippines, Kingdom Of Mactan that lead by King Labo-labo, an Muslim King.  Kingdom Of Spain also heald covenant with King Of Cebu, one of kingdom at Philippines for convert to Christian. King Labo- labo held resistance to Spanish Army. Spanish Army defeated at battle againts Mactan Army under Labo-labo and Magelhaes killed at hand of Labo-labo.

Kingdom Of Spain send fourth navy to  Philippines  under Rui Lopez.  But, they failed occupied Philippines because Muslims at Mindanao attack them. At 973 H, Kingdom Of Spain occupied North Philippines. Kingdom Of  Spain forced Filiphinos for convert to Christian. USA  ( United States Of America) buy Philippines from Spain with prize 5 millions dollars. They colonized Philippines and next oppresed that started by Kingdom Of Spain to Filiphinos Civilians.

At Era of American and Spanish reign, broke several rebellion from  Muslim Filiphinos, because oppresed that doing by USA and Kingdom Of Spain. But, this rebellions failed because America and Spanish have stronger  defenses system.

It is, step by step, appeared Islamic Atmosfer from Philippines and Philippines became Christian Lands.  For history of Muslim at Modern Philippines, we will next it at part 2, because it is too long for deliver there.


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Tim Riset dan Studi Islam Mesir: Ensiklopedi Sejarah Islam, Pustaka Al-Kautsar, 2019 M.

At-Turbani, Jihad: 100 Tokoh Islam Yang Mengubah Sejarah, Penerbit Aqwam, 2016 M.

Izzati, Wan Nur: Jelaskan Pelbagai Pandangan Sarjana Tentang Sejarah Kedatangan Islam di Filipina Khususnya di Sulu dan Mindanao, Tanpa penerbit dan tahun.

Sejarah Islam di Filipina (kompas.com), accesed 9 June, 2024; 08:22 PM.


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