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Studied From Abdurrahman IIII: Young Leader From Umayyad Dynasty.

Source: NDR.

Now, popular a propagate to make younger as leader. And, unfortunately, sometimes, young leader who appointed as leader, is incompetent and egoist for his business. Ok, from this article, we will study from Abdurrahman III,  a great young leader from Umayyad Dynasty. Please read this article untl end and subscribe my blog for more information about Islamic History. Happy reading.

At 912 AD, Abdurrahman III became  Caliph Of Umayyad Dynasty Of Spain when he was 23 years old.  And, condition of Umayyad Dynasty Of Spain, at this period, is not stabil.

From 880 AD, Samuel Ibn Hafshun, an Visigoth Nobleman, collect several  robber to became his army. And, Samuel take a basic at Castle Of Bobastro.  Samuel ask helped to Aghlabid Dynasty and Abbasid Dynasty to attack Umayyad Caliphate Of Spain,  and Umayyad Dynasty split into several emirates. One of them is Kingdom Of Regio, that lead by Non Arab Nations, but by Spanish Natives who convert to Islam.  And also Kingdom Of Aragon that lead by several Visigothics descedants who was convert to Islam.

According Historian Philip.K.Hitti, Abdurrahman has courage and firmness  as a leader. He succeded united several territories at Spain, that separated from Umayyad Dynasty. At 917 AD, Samuel Ibn Hafshun die, and Abdurrahman united Spain under Umayyad Dynasty.

From external, Abdurrahman faced threat from Christian Kingdom Of Leon  at North Spain and Fathimid Dynasty at Tunisia. Fathimid Dynasty help Ibn Hafshun  for rebel to Umayyad Dynasty.  At 913 AD, Abdurrahman occupied Morocco, and at 931 AD,  he occupied City Of Tangiers at North Morocco.  At 956 AD, Abdurrahman send navy to attack Coastal Of Africa under Fathimid Dynasty, because Fathimid Dynasty attack Coastal Of Spain with Sicilian Army.

At 914 AD, King Of Leon, Ordono II, attack Muslim Territories and destroy South Territory. At 920 AD, Abdurrahman moved with his army to North Territory Of Spain. He managed occupied City Of ST.Esteban and defeat combine army from Ordono II and Christian King Of Navarre, Sancho The Great, at Val De Junqueras. Ordonno die several times after this battle, and Christian Kingdom at North Spain dont attack Muslim Position.

Not only protect his state. Abdurrahman  also love knowledge, he expand Mosque Of Cordoba and make it as center of knowlege. He also give big attention to literation, until not exist people at his territory, cannot read and write. According Palestinian Historian, Shaykh Jihad Turbani, Spain at age of Abdurrahman, with capital at Cordoba, became most beautiful city at Europe.

King George II , King Of England, send his daughter, Dobant to studied at Spain, at Abdurrahman s territories. It is show Spain s position as center of knowledge.

Abdurrahman also give  salary to students. And, he  free public facilitation, such as  healthy facilitation.

Though Spain at his age is wealth and rich area, Abdurrahman choose to live simple. He doesnt save a property for himself, except of little. It is show his dedication to people.


One of Abdurrahman s heritages that popular into today is Al-Zahra Palace at Cordoba, Spain.  After  his die, at 350 H, Abdurrahman replaced by his sucessor, Al-Hakam Ibn Abdurrahman who also love knowledge, like his father.

From this history, we can studied. Old or young the leader, is not important. Important, the leader can became light for his people, and dedicated sincerily, for his people. If us became leader, we must work sincerily for our people. Because leader, like a head at the body. If head dont work goodly, one body will be sick.


Tim Riset dan Studi Islam Mesir: Ensiklopedi Sejarah Islam. Pustaka Al-Kautsar,2019 M.

Hitti, Philip.K: History Of The Arabs:Rujukan Induk dan Paling Otoritatif Tentang Sejarah Peradaban Islam, Penerbit Serambi. 2006 M.

At-Turbani, Jihad: 100 Tokoh Islam Yang Mengubah Sejarah, Penerbit Aqwam, 2016 M.

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