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Answer Fake Claim About Propeth Muhammad Shallahu Alaihi Wasallam.

Source: Detik.News.

I often hear this claim from Non-Muslim Channels at Youtube. They use several hadith to prove that Propeth Muhammad is a cruel person, including hadith Propeth Muhammad give command to kill Asma Binti Marwan because Asma Binti Marwan harrased him. But, the problem, is the hadiths “True and valid”.Lets check it?

Beetwen hadith that used by Non-Muslim Channels at Youtube is hadith Rasulullah Shallahu Alaihi Wasallam s command to kill Asma Binti Marwan, woman that insult him, and Rasulullah Shallahu Alaihi Wasallam gave command to Umair to kill this women.

Unfortunately, the Youtuber doesn’t understand that this hadith has problem in Rawi  ( teller). Important for know, in this hadith exist 2 teller who considered doesn’t credibel by Islamic Scholars such as Yahya Ibn Ma”in, Daruquthni, and Imam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal. They is Muhammad Ibn Hajjaj and Al-Waqidi, according Yahya Ibn Main and Daruquthni, Muhammad Ibn Hajjaj is an lyer and according Yahya Ibn Main, Al Waqidi make 20.000 fake hadiths, in hadith methodology, persons with lyer personality DOESN’T  can trust his hadith.

Moreover, logically, naration in this hadith is very FREAK, in this hadith, Propeth Muhammad command to his partner, Umair to kill Asma Binti Marwan to kill her, and assasination executed while Asma breastfeed his younger child. Whether Propeth Muhammad cannot advise Asma goodly for stopped her diatribe?

In terms of  hadith s narration, wheter lyer can trusted his words? If maybe we cannot trust to  people who cheat us for one time. How we can trust an lyer who make 20.000 fake hadiths? It is stuppid statement, the mean we trust to people who cheat us for 20.000 times.

Because this, Ustad Nadirsyah Husein said: “ This hadith not only weak, but FAKE.  In the other story, Propeth Muhammad pelted rocks by Thaif s civilians until he injured. Angel Jibril came to him and offer, he can throw 2 mounts to Thaif s civilian, but Propeth Muhammad pray to  Thaif s civilian, easy hopefully,  one day, they can became Muslims. If pelted by rocks, Propeth Muhammad Shallahu Alaihi Wasallam  can be patiently, wheter because only mocked, he command assasination for his mockers? It is paradox.

My messages, I hope Muslims can be critically and careful to accept all information about Propeth Muhammad Shallahu Alaihi Wasallam, in internet and in book. Be a smart Muslim. Check and re check all information that we accept, from anywhere it.


Ahmad, DRS.Mahdi Rizqullah: Biografi Rasulullah: Sebuah Studi Analitis Berdasarkan Sumber Sumber Yang Otentik, Jakarta, Qisthi, 2005 M.

Kekerasan Terhadap Penghina Nabi, Bolehkah? – Khazanah GNH (nadirhosen.net), accesed 26 February 2024, 15: 13 PM.

Peristiwa Thaif, Monumen Kelembutan Dakwah Rasulullah | Republika Online, accesed 26 February 2024, 15: 14 PM.



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