Sultan Abdul Hamid II: Last Ottoman Powered Caliph.
Today, we will discuss about Sultan Abdul Hamid II, last Ottoman Eagle who defend Ottoman Empire from Western Imperialism. And, he defend his state, though Ottoman Empire at his age was weakened and dont became big state such as at era Suleiman Al-Qanuni. Ok, please read thi article until end and subscribe my blog for more information about Islamic History. It is easy verb for you, but have big contribution to help us flow our blog.
Sultan Abdul Hamid II, ruled from 1876-1909 AD. His prime minister is Midhat Pasha. And, one Sultan Abdul Hamid II s policy is make Ottoman Parlement, that inaugurated at 19 March 1877 AD. At his era, Ottoman Empire faced many problem at internal and external at goverment.
And, at his era, broke conflict beetwen Ottoman Empire and Russian Empire. Tsar Alexander II, Emperor Of Russia, ask Ottoman Empire s territories at Montenegro and Ottoman Empire must subtract his army. At 1877 AD, broke conflict. Russian Army attack Dobruja, Zishtovi, and Tirnova from Ottoman Empire and genocyde many Muslims at place that they captured from Ottoman Empire.
At January, 1878 AD, Russian Army can achieve Ottoman Capital City, Istanbul. Sultan Abdul Hamid II, handled state s business and Ottoman Empire forced received Congress Of Berlin that Ottoman Empire, according this congress, must lost Territories Of Balkan and East Anatolia. At 1830 AD, Ottoman managed boundaries beetwen Ottoman Empire and Kingdom Of Greek. But, at 1897 AD, Greece Army attack Ottoman Territories at Thessaly and Macedonia. Ottoman Army can defeated Greece Army at several battle. At 1897 AD, Ottoman Army defeat Greece Army at Domeke.And, they will entered Athena, if Emperor Of Russia doesnt ask Sultan Abdul Hamid II stop his operation. Prince George, one Greek Prince, take Island Of Crete from Ottoman Empire and many Muslims at Crete migrated at Anatolia.
Emperor Of German,Wilhelm II, held positive relation with Ottoman Empire. At 1899 AD, Emperor Wilhem II, visit Jerusalem, Palestina that still under Ottoman Empire, after visit Damascus, Syria and Istanbul. Sultan Abdul Hamid II, held collaboration with German Empire to build train rail from Istanbul-Bagdad-Bashra. And, also make rail that connect Istanbul with Medina and Mecca at Hijaz. European States that became Ottoman s enemy, tried to provocated Armenian at East Anatolia rebel and establish State Of Armenia with provocation statement that Ottoman Empire oppresed Armenian. At 1905 AD, broke Armenian Rebellion at Ottoman Empire that Armenian Rebels tried kill Sultan Abdul Hamid II with bomb at Street Of Istanbul. This operation failed, but 26 people die at this event. Many victims who suffered seriously injured.
According Historian Eugene Rogan, beetwen 1908-1913 AD, Ottoman Empire faced weight threat from internal and external. At 1908 AD, broke revolution from Young Turk Organisation that also supported by Group Of Freemasonry. At 1909 AD, they can ousted Sultan Abdul Hamid II from Ottoman Empire Throne. Freemansory, one Jewish Organisation at Ottoman Empire, dont stopped support separatics movement that want separated from Ottoman Empire. According Islamic History and Research Team Of Egypt, Abdul Hamid II is last Caliph who has power at Ottoman Empire.
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