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Who Zulkarnain At Quran?History Analyzer.


Source: Medium.Com.

Today, we will discuss who Zulkarnain at Quran? Zulkarnain, at Quran is important figure at Quran. He mentioned as king who round east and west for defend justice. And, Zulkarnain also mentioned as one pious people at Quran. But, his character still mysterious. Who the figure at Quran, that mentioned as a great king who round east and west for defend justice? We will discuss several interpretation about Zulkarnain at Quran, fom Muslim or West Scholar. Please subscribe my blog for more information about Islamic History and Civilization , easy verb for you but give us big contribution for flow our blog to educate people about Islamic History.

QS.Al-Kahf: 83-89 mentioned Zulkarnain as strong man who has power and round west and east for defend justice. QS.Al-Kahf: 83-89 also mentioned Zulkarnain  s role  confinement Gog and Magog, two nations who make destroyed at world. According Prof.DR.Nadiah Thayyarah, Zulkarnain maybe round Asia, Africa, and Europe and stopped at Siberia, because Surah Al-Kahf mentioned Zulkarnain stopped at place that not get sun s light. Unfortunately, Prof.Nadiah doesnt interpreted who Zulkarnain s  character at history.  DR.Nadiah only interpreted about Zulkarnain s route. For complete Surah Al-Kahf, you can read at this link:
Surah Al-Kahf - 1-110 - Quran.com

Muslim Historian Ibn Kathir, at his book, Al-Bidayah Wa an-Nihayah ( concise edition) also doesnt interpreted who Zulkarnain. But he mentioned Gog and Magog is Mongols and people who ask protection to Zulkarnain at Surah Al-Kahf, from Gog and Magog s disturb is Turks.

Indian Scholar,  Abdullah Yusuf Ali has interest interpretation about Zulkarnain. . According Abdullah Yusuf, Zulkarnain is Alexander The Great, Conqueror-King From Macedonia.  Yusuf interpreted muddy spring that mentioned at QS.Al-Kahfi, as one place that visit by Zulkarnain is Ochrida, West Macedonia because this place dont have clean water.  Abdullah Yusuf only mentioned several interpretation about Zulkarnain. Yusuf mentioned Zulkarnain maybe one King Of Persia or King Of Himyar ( Ancient Yemen). But, according Researcher  Rizky Dimas Pratama, this argument not yet  proven. Yusuf s argument supported by one argument from Classic Muslim Scholar, Wahb Ibn Munabbih who mentioned Zulkarnain Original Name is Alexander.

Juan Cole, Western Historian, interpreted Zulkarnain s story different with Muslim Interpretation. According Juan Cole, Zulkarnain at Quran dont refer to story that happened at the past ( according Juan Cole , Surah Al-Kahfi revelated to Propeth Muhammad Shallahu Alaihi Wasallam at 629 or 630 AD.  According Juan Cole, Zulkarnain is metaphor for illustrated situation at this time, about war beetwen Byzantine Empire (East Roman Empire ) under Emperor Heraclius and Sassanid Empire Of Persia under Khosrow II. At this war, Heraclius succeded protect Byzantine Territories from Sassanid Invasion and at 626 AD,  banish Persian-Avar Coalition captured Constantinople and at 627 AD, captured Anatolia and Mesopotamia from Sassanid Empire after defeat Sassanid Army at Battle Of Nineveh 627 AD. Juan Cole s argument similar with Ibnu Jarir, Muslim Historian s argument that mentioned Zulkarnain is Roman.

Argument from Muslim Scholar, Abdul Azad Kalam, Zulkarnain is one King Of Persia, Cyrus The Great. Title Zulkarnain  (Owner from two horn) because at his goverment, Cyrus can united two kingdom, Midia and Persia.

From several argument about Zulkarnain, we not yet ensure, who Zulkarnain at history, but for temporal time, Abdul Azad s argument that explain Zulkarnain is Cyrus, King Of Persia maybe can trusted until find strongest source about Zulkarnain.


Cole, Juan: Muhammad : Juru Damai Di Tengah Benturan Imperium Besar Dunia, Penerbit Alvabet, 2018 M.

Imam Ibnu Katsir: Al-Bidayah Wa an-Nihayah, Penerbit Insan Kamil, 2020 M.

Thayyarah, DR.Nadiah: Buku Pintar Sains Dalam Al-Quran, Penerbit Zaman, 2013 M.

Pratama, Rizky Dimas. "Kisah Zulkarnain dalam Pandangan Abdullah Yusuf Ali." Qaf: Jurnal Ilmu Al-Qur'an dan Tafsir 2.1 (2017): 157-174.

Felascho, Y. (2021). ISRAILIYYAT DALAM KISAH ZULKARNAIN. Thullab: Jurnal Riset dan Publikasi Mahasiswa, 1(1), 65-83.


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