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Recommendation Book About Islamic History: History Of The Arabs,


Source: Carousel ID.

Title: History Of The Arabs: Rujukan Induk dan Paling Otoritatif Tentang Sejarah Peradaban Islam.

Author: Philip.K.Hitti.

Language: Indonesian.

Publisher: Serambi.

Publish Year: 2006 AD.

Pages: 982 Pages.

This book, is Islamic History Babon Book that written by an Orientalist, Philip.K.Hitti. This book explained details about Islamic History at Middle East and also goverment  of Arab Muslims out of Arabia Peninsula. With 982 Pages, Philip.K.Hitti explain detailed from Pre-Islamic Age at Arabia Peninsula, Propeth Muhammad Shallahu Alaihi Wasallam , Rashidun Caliphate, Umayyad Caliphate, Abbasid Caliphate, Islamic Dynasty at Middle East and out of Middle East such as Spain and Italy, and also about crucial moment such as Crusade, Mongols Invasion, and other. Until Arabia Peninsula at  20 TH Century. This book give us illustration Arabia Peninsula from Pre-Islamic Era until 20 TH Century.

This book not only give us political transision from age to age, but also give us how culture, architecture, and knowledge at Middle East from age to age.  And, this book tell us detailed about how culture, arcitechture, and knowledge, and also political system at Middle East flow from age to age and how interaction Middle East with other nations, such as Israeli, Crusader, Mongols, and other. This book is comprehensive book that discuss about Arab Civilization, special Islamic Civilization.  And for me, this book is one babon to discuss Islamic History. Because, this book also many cite primary sources of Islamic History, such as Muqaddimah by Ibn Khaldun and An-Nihayah by An-Nuwayri. This book match for  Islamic History student who want understand Islamic History from his roots. And, this book also not boring because also completed with picture and map that help us understand narration that tell by this book. And, at this book, we can seeing Islamic History trought western pointview.

But, this book also have weakness. Sometimes, author s argument at this book not match with Islamic Teaching and tradition. Such as when explain about early Arabic History, Philip.K.Hitti argue monotheism /Tauhid ( only worship to one god) is made by Syrian that imitated by Israelite at era of Propeth Musa Alaihissalam . At Islamic Faith, Allah  was worshipped by humans since era of Propeth Adam Alaihissalam . Because this, we must careful choose information from this book, and also read checklists from Islamic Sources about Islamic History, for get complete information.

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